Her Return and the Truth

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Kaden pulled back from the railing and turned just in time to see one of his men foolishly lean too far and fall over the edge. Before he could rush to help the man, Katarina flung herself into his chest and sobbed uncontrollably.

“Kaden what is that awful creature?”  She gushed as she clung to him. Kaden frowned as he started to pry her away from him.

“I have no…”

“This is a mermaid.” Kaden and Katarina looked up in surprise as Arabella jumped onto the deck from atop Ashik’s head, holding a severed mermaid head. Dark blood pooled on the deck beneath the head. Damien jumped down next to Arabella and looked around.

“Find Jarrus and gather the men in the brig. It’s the only place without windows. Ashik, kill the others.” Arabella ordered before Kaden or Katarina could say anything else. Damien nodded his head before he headed to the forecastle. Ashik blinked his large eyes before he sunk beneath the sea. Terrifying screeches were heard as mermaids attempted to escape Ashik’s jaws and flames but none succeeded. Calypso’s Fall rocked and pitched with the massive waves Ashik created in his actions. Katarina stumbled and fell to her knees by Kaden’s feet. She stared into the lifeless eyes of the creature in Arabella’s hand and fear gripped her.

“Bella.” Katarina looked up as Kaden whispered Arabella’s name. His eyes were pinned on her face and he seemed transfixed by her very presence.

“I’m gone a week and you manage to sail the ship into a nest of mermaids. It’s a wonder you survived at all before you came aboard Calypso.” Arabella quipped sharply as she flung the head toward the terrified Katarina. Katarina squealed in fright as she scurried away from Kaden and the creature. Her dress ripped on the nails and splintered boards of the deck.

“How did you…”

“I’ve been following you because I knew you’d regret sending me away once you cleared your head of that…whelp.” Arabella interjected tersely. Kaden stared at her. Suddenly, Kaden took four long strides and pulled Arabella tight against his chest. Katarina let out a whimper of despair at the sight.

“Why do you stay loyal to me? After everything?”

“Who knows? Perhaps it is I who is the fool.” Arabella replied with a shrug. Kaden laughed in her ear as he tightened the embrace.

“Kaden! Stop that!” Katarina demanded with a quivering voice; tears openly ran down her cheeks as she kept her eyes pinned on her beloved. Kaden didn’t turn to face her and he didn’t let go of Arabella. Arabella shifted uncomfortably in the hug, but she didn’t push him away. Something intense and strange was flowing between them and Arabella had no name or remembrance of what this feeling was.


“I’m sorry,” the words rushed out of Kaden’s mouth before he had a chance to stop them. Arabella frowned as she pulled away just enough to look at Kaden’s desperate and unshaven features.

“What for?” She asked curiously as he stared down at her.

“For this.” Kaden remarked determinedly as he crashed his lips against Arabella’s. Arabella’s eyes widened as the feeling that passed between them grew stronger and overtook her. There was no confusion or regret in Kaden’s eyes when he pulled away and Arabella stood there stunned.

“Damn it, Bella.” He muttered more to himself than anyone. The sound of someone chuckling broke Arabella and Kaden apart instantly. Ashik stood on the railing of the ship, smirking as he shook the sea water from his hair.

“I must admit I was waiting to see when he would do it again,” Ashik quipped teasingly. Kaden glared at him as Arabella turned to look at the sobbing Katarina who stared at her.

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