Off the chain

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The rider growls at the demon girl as she got back up, she looks at him and her eyes fill with hatred and.....was that fear?

He ran towards her laughing as she grabbed her giant sword again
"You! Stop monster!"

He flung his chain blade at her, it wrapped around her sword and melted through it like warm butter

Half fell to the ground as she looked at the other

"You will ......"
He hit her hard in the knee bringing her down where he caught her lifting
her up and bringing her hard down on his shoulders although her spine didn't give the satisfying snap he wanted it to

He growls and lifted her again and threw her up before slamming her to the ground

Gathering hellfire in his hands he blasted a bit into her back before flipping her over and was about to blast her face to ashes when he felt a poke at his back

He tuned to see that he was looking down a barrel of a gun


He was taken off his feet as rachnra fires the demonic shotgun into his face, it hurt like hell, demonic weapons we're affective although angelic were more deadly

He lands on his ass and dazed him, his ears rang and now their his face reformed the damaged bits, that To was painful

He got up and glares his flames getting hotter


He ran at them but the weapons teacher grabbed a different gun, some type of rifle and shot out his knee then brought the shot gun to his face again blasting

His skull was blown halfway apart but that ment Nothing to him as it reformed, but due to the weapons demonic nature it was agonizingly painfull and slower than the normally instant regeneration

He stood once again and quickly smacked the guns away from her and hit her, he ducked under her and picked her up from under her spider legs and threw her into the weapons rack, she was lucky she hadn't been stabbed by something

He runs at the purple demoness and then felt something hurt a lot

He looks down to see a golden spear going through his torso

He bleed a a molten like puddle starting underneath him

He fell to his knees, the holy weapon was one to his he most effective ever discovered

But the rider didn't care, he stood slowly coughing up molten blood

He roared in defiance

Both the teacher and the student grabs a shot gun and stuck them both through his eyes sockets

"Die rider scum"

They both fired and blew off his head

It began to reform, he stood and looks at them
He brought up his hand and pointed at them, then waved his finger back and forth shaking his head a little

"Uh uh uh"

"Uh uh uh"

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Hell and back (shy male reader x all female demon school)Where stories live. Discover now