Chapter 3

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After going through multiple phone calls for the first three hours at my job, I'm relieved to take a 15-minute break. Once my break is over, I get back into the endless string of calls until I hear a knock at my door. I look up to see Xander standing by my office door. He never ceases to amaze me how he can look so put together despite running a company all day. Xander is wearing his normal navy suit, light blue tie, and flat brown leather shoes. His hair looks the same as when I first met him which is pushed out of his face and swept to one side.

"Natalia I have a meeting that will take up the rest of the day so I'm releasing you early." He says in his smooth tone.

"Okay let me just finish this last call for the gala planner and I'll be off," I say. 

"Sounds like a plan. Also, I'll see you later at the club opening tonight. Correct?" He asks.

"Yes, I'll be there," I respond.

"Good I'll see you then." He says with a warm smile and walks off to his office.

Once he leaves, I make my final call and go over the catering for the gala with the planner. Afterward, I pack up my bag and phone to leave for the day. 

When I get home, I notice Trina is sitting on the couch typing away for her work. She is dressed in some leggings and an oversized long-sleeved top. Her hair is still in a ponytail but has been brushed, and she has some makeup on her face. From the looks of it, she might have run some errands while she was working.

"Hey!" I say grabbing her attention as I enter our living room.

"Hey, sorry I didn't notice you there, work has got me busy right now. Also, aren't you a little early to be home?" She asks while double-checking the time on her phone.

"Yeah, Xander is in meetings all day so he decided to release me," I explain.

"Oh okay, well I have another hour left on my work but I promise when I'm done I'll help you get ready." She promises.

"Okay! I'll take a shower and get some laundry done while your working." I say.

"My work stuff shouldn't take long."She says before turning back to her computer screen to type away.

I walk back to my room to grab my laundry basket and take it towards our washer. In our apartment, we're fortunate to have an in-unit washer and dryer which is hard to find in apartments these days. I then load the washer with my first load of clothing and head back to my room to take a shower. 

Minutes later I pull on a robe and begin brushing and drying my unruly hair. When I'm done taming my knotted hair, I head back to the laundry closet and throw the 2nd load of clothing into the washer after placing the first load in the dryer. By the time I finish washing and drying my clothes, Trina closes her laptop and turns towards my direction.

"Ready?" She asks as she gets off the couch.

"Yes! Let me just set these aside." I say pushing my basket on top of the dryer. 

I then follow Trina to my room. Inside, I have a white comforter with grey throw pillows and a blanket on the end of my bed. Towards the window on the left side of my bed, I have a small white desk with a lamp and my laptop set off to the side. Towards the other side of my bed are the walkway to my bathroom and my closet. I have my room very minimally decorated with just a few personal photos and books from college scattered around. 

"So, where do we begin?" I ask while walking towards my bathroom.

"Well, I have my work cut out for me." She says sarcastically. Trina asks that I face away from the mirror so I can get the full effect of the makeover she is giving me. I agree to her request because I trust her. She then lays out products that she'll be using onto my bathroom counter.

Within the hour, Trina curls my hair, spraying it with a ton of hairspray, she then turns to do my makeup while making sure I don't sneak a peek in the mirror. Afterward, she hands me my dress and a pair of nude heels she somehow found. Once I get the dress on I noticed that it falls slightly above my knees. I'm thankful for the lace covering the hem of the dress. The dress itself is not too short but still breathable and easy to move around. she tells me to look in the mirror indicating she is finished getting me ready. I turn towards my closet's full-length mirror and gasp. I'm always amazed at how she knows what works for me. 

"What do you think?" She asks with a smile.

Instead of light makeup, she did a cut crease eye look with various shades of brown and a hint of gold while also giving me a small amount of eyeliner for my almond-shaped eyes. For my lips, she gave me a nude color lip and light blush with contour for my face. For my hair she kept it parted in the middle and left it down with thick curls.

"I love it! Your always a genius." I complement.

"No problem!" I look at my phone for the time and notice it's only 8:15 giving me enough time to hang out at the apartment and make it to the club by 9. 

"I should probably eat before I go," I say. I know there won't be much to eat when I get to the club.

"True! Just let me do touch-ups before you go." She insists.

I nod and head to the kitchen to heat up some leftovers from the previous night. As soon as I finish eating I quickly brush my teeth and Trina leaves me the lip stain she used for my look. I then grab my coat and drop a pair of flats into my bag before I head outside to meet my Uber. I decided not to drive tonight because I don't think it would right if I end up drinking. 

When I get to the club I notice a long line stretched out along the block. I follow directions sent by Xander on my phone and proceed straight to the bouncer. I tell him my name and the bouncer looks over the list on his Ipad. Soon he allows me to proceed on in. When I walk into the club I notice the large space with a bar placed on the right side of the room and a huge dance floor placed at the center. Scattered around the dance floor are various booths and tables. The moment I step into the club an attendant shows me the way to the VIP lounge and offers to grab my coat which I oblige. By the time I walk upstairs to the lounge I'm lead to a booth that is covered by a black curtain. The curtain is parted for me and inside of the booth is furnished with two couches and a small table offering various drinks and club snacks. On one of the couches is Xander surrounded by unfamiliar people. As soon as I step into view he looks away from his company and he takes a moment to look me up and down. He smiles. 

For once, I finally felt like I might have caught his attention.

Billionaire Daddyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें