Chapter 20

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The two days before the gala, I stayed home and started packing my things. I already let Trina know about moving in with Xander. She was happy for me and didn't mind that I was leaving so soon but I promised to cover the next few month's rents until she found someone to take over my lease. She tells me to not worry and she makes sure that I promise to send her updates on anything. After agreeing to give her updates I then text Xander that I'm doing fine and I don't need anything even though he asks.

On Monday I head to Lisa's house to assemble the goody bags for the guest. This only took half of my day because of the large guest list. When I leave it's still early afternoon and Xander asks to go out for lunch Which I agree to join him. 

Minutes later I meet him at the restaurant that we agreed to meet at. I'm thankful I'm not dressed too casually for this place. I'm only wearing a light blue wrapped dress that has long bishop sleeves. I soon spot his car and we both walk towards the restaurant. Xander swiftly kisses me as I approach him.

"Hey beautiful, so how was your day so far?" I blush over his nickname he gave me.

"Long but I think everything is already in order for the event. I just hope it all goes smoothly." I confess.

"I have a feeling it will." He reassures me and I smile. 

Our lunch date is short because Xander has to head back to the office but he promises to call after work around 6 o'clock. The rest of the day after I leave Xander, I spend time packing and making a donation pile so that Trina and I can go through together when she comes back from her trip.

When it's 6 o'clock Xander calls as he promised, he asks how I was doing and I tell him the rest of my day which is less exciting but I'm more interested in him telling me his day which is a little more interesting than mine. We ended up talking until I told him I was starting to get tired. We say goodbye to each other after promising I would see him at the gala. I made sure I packed an overnight bag to stay over at his place because I know I would be too busy to do anything the next day.

The morning of the gala I wake up earlier than usual because I had to throw up once again. Morning sickness was beginning to be a part of my routine. I just wished I was one of the few lucky women who didn't have as many symptoms during their pregnancy but my hopes were crushed when I threw up this morning. Since I was up early I made sure I ate and got dressed casually because later I had an appointment with Trina's stylist to do my hair and makeup for the event since Trina wasn't here.

I finally make it to the hall and begin to direct the caterer and the florist where they needed to set up. When they finished it is almost 12 o'clock and I wait for Lisa to take over direction till it's 5 so I can get ready. She arrives on time and is dressed in a black suit and her hair is up in a sleek ponytail. I thank her for her assistance just before I left to go make my appointment.

The salon is not that far from my apartment and the stylist begins to work on me as soon as I sit down. I tell her to keep my makeup on the less heavy side since I already consulted with her on what my hair would be styled like. 

After two hours at the salon, the stylist tells me she is finished. I look in the mirror and it's not what I expected. I looked different. For my hair, she did large finger waves and kept it parted to the side. For my face she kept my eyes lined with black eyeliner with a shimmery eyeshadow and she also gave me red lipstick for my lips. In the mirror, I can pass as an old Hollywood starlet. After paying the stylist I head home to change and grab a snack to eat because I was starting to get hungry.

The dress I picked out for the gala is a mauve long satin dress that has an empire waist but an asymmetrical bodice. The small straps of the dress criss-cross in the back. When I get the dress on I'm thankful it still fits because I was afraid I put on weight. I just hope I don't put on as much weight when I get further in my pregnancy. I envy other pregnant women who give birth and bounce back to their natural weight. I hope I'm that lucky. 

After getting my dress on I put on some nude open-toed heels which I know I won't last long in them so I pack some flats in my purse just in case. When I grab my things for today I get back on the road and head towards the hall.

When I get inside I see the wait staff listening to Lisa giving directions to who should be serving where. The hall has never looked put together and I'm starting to get anxious when everyone arrives. The night is organized with the first hour being cocktail and appetizer hour. At 8 o'clock will be the seating and dinner followed by Xander's speech. Soon after his speech, the dance floor is open as well as the photo booth and the bowling alley upstairs opened later in the evening. 

When I mentioned Xander about his speech a couple of nights ago he told me how much he hated speaking at functions because who likes giving speeches at an event when you're told you have to deliver them. Thinking of Xander makes me more anxious I hope we can spend some time together but I know Xander will be attending the event with Olivia. I'll just have to wait until the end of the night to spend time together. 

When It's 7, I peer downstairs to see the crowd of guests lingering in the hallway as drinks and small finger food is being served to the dressed-up crowd. Everybody has been dressed up accordingly to the theme some have gone all out compared to others. As I scan through the crowd I can't help but look for Xander through the crowd. My search stops when I see him walking through the doors and shaking hands with his board members. He's dressed in a blue tux with a black lapel and black skinny tie. his hair is brushed off to the side and he always looks sexy in anything he wears, a few paces away is Olivia. She is dressed in a long red velvet strapless gown that has a slit showing off her legs as she walks. When she turns around her dress exposes her bareback. Her blonde hair is piled in a loose updo and just below her neck, she is wearing an ostentatious diamond-studded necklace that makes me roll my eyes. I decide to head back to the main hall to double-check the hall one last time before the dining hall doors open. 

At this time everyone is being seated and I'm seated next to Xander and his executives because I'm still his assistant. Before Olivia sits down to eat, Xander discreetly pulls me aside from the hall making sure there's nobody nearby.

"Natalia you look beautiful." He whispers as he tips my head up to look up at him.

"And you look handsome as always," I whisper back and he quickly kisses me passionately before he heads back inside. Soon after I re-enter the dining hall acting as if nothing happened seconds ago. I understand how risky that was but I kind of enjoyed it. When I sit down at the table full of executives and their wives I switch back to being an assistant because I still have work to do before I call it a night and enjoy it with the one person I love.

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