{11} Glade Gift: part three

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The look of joy on Emilia's face as she presented her drawing to Y/N brought warmth to her heart.
Y/N had the bright idea to request a colouring book and colouring pencils from the Box- a request to which they had graciously agreed.

"It's of Newtie, Min-Min and me! Look Y/N, there's our crowns!!" Emilia pointed to her picture smugly before looking  up at a proud  Y/N for approval of her work.
The previous day had included a daisy-chain-making competition between Minho, Newt and Emilia; Emilia obviously won.

"It's beautiful Bunny! But can I let you in on a secret?" Y/N enticed the young girl knowingly.

"YES!!! YES of course!!" Emilia nodded furiously.

"Well, my little Bunny, the secret is..." Y/N paused for effect, causing Emilia to twirl on her feet in anticipation.

"Mean Newtie never made me a flower crown!"

A gasp of shock came from Emilia: "No!"

Laughing slightly, Y/N sarcastically said "Yes!"

Then Emilia shocked Y/N: she ran off, sprinting in Newt's direction.
Confusion laced Y/N before laughter replaced it- Emilia was going to force Newt to make her a flower crown. And if there was one weakness to Newt, it was Emilia's puppy eyes.

Shaking her head with a smile, Y/N turned around to go back to work, leaving her Bunny to play with Newt.

~time skip~

"So if we-" Y/N said to Alby before being interrupted by Emilia calling to her.

"Y/N!! Come see!! Come see what we have!" Emilia called out with pride and smug satisfaction, hands on her hips.

Laughing and excusing herself from Alby, Y/N approached Emilia. It's not like what her and Alby were discussing had a time constraint.
"Yes, my little Bunny? What have you got for me?" Y/N tilted her head in mock question, when in fact she could see exactly what Newt held in his hands.

He'd made her the flower crown. And he was bright red.
Too cute.

"Newtie made you a present, Y/N!!" Emilia said.

"Did he now?" Y/N questioned rhetorically, "Well, Newt? What is this gift?"

Winking at Newt, she moved closer to him after setting Emilia on her hip.

Rolling his eyes, Newt overcame his brief embarrassment, "It's a beautiful crown for a beautiful girl."
He gently set it on the crest if her head, then kissed her sweetly. Before the kiss could get too heated, both remembered the girl perched on Y/N's hip.

Pulling away from the kiss with a sigh of happiness, Y/N suggested to Newt, "Let's go get lunch? We're only 5 minutes early and you know how much Fry loves Emilia."

Nodding his head in agreement, he led his girls over to Fry's for lunch. The trio moved slowly, savouring every moment together.

~time skip~

After tucking Emilia into bed, Y/N got ready to sleep as well. Emilia had had another one of her nightmares last night, so they were pretty much guaranteed that tonight would be a peaceful one.

"Hey Newt? Can I borrow one of you shirts to sleep in? My only other spare is in the pile for washing."
After the first night of sleeping in the same hammock, Newt and Y/N hadn't separated and it had strengthened their relationship.
And no, it was purely innocent.

"Sure, love." He replied before tossing it over to her.

Climbing under the blankets together, legs and arms tangled together, both faced each other. Y/N had her head tucked into Newt's chest as his arms protectively encircled her.
After a sweet forehead kiss, they said goodnight.

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