Have You Ever Kissed In The Snow?

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                          //Bill's pov//

"I wonder what would've happened if we stayed" she said her eyes sparkling although it was so dark
"we probably would have ended up being kicked out" i joked, although i could see that happening- she laughed lightly as she thought about it
"I feel like that's happened before" she glanced at me
"it has once, but every other time we leave before we get kicked out"
"oohh, I see - what happend the first time then?" she quizzed
"well um, I can remember aidy dancing on top of a table and kicking glasses all over the room so, the owner came out and started shouting at us so we had to leave, luckily we were the only ones there tonight but on that night it was quite busy" I looked back fondly on the memories as y/n giggled at the thought of us getting shouted at, in that moment she looked so beautiful, more than usual-the glow from the streetlights painted her face perfectly and he eyes sparkled as she smiled
"what's wrong?" she asked
"nothing, you just look so beautiful" I couldn't hold myself back
"you're not so bad yourself" she teased,i stopped the both of us and she turned her body towards mine I moved a peice if her hair away from her face and stroked the soft skin on her cheek as she leaned in to kiss me before I could, her lips were so soft and gentle. I deepend the kiss and for the first time we weren't interrupted, she pulled away slowly as she held my face in her hands
"I think that was the first time we've ever kissed without being interrupted" it's like she read my mind, I laughed lightly still looking at her face, she smiled lightly as she took my hand,
"cmon let's go somewhere fun, we don't have work tommorow" there was a gleam in her eye
"so it's you pulling me along now?" I raised my eyebrows
"yup" she leaned in close to me as we started walking.

                    //your pov//

I was determined to not let this night end so soon, so I took bill to the one place that would not be so busy. Bill was starting to tease me about my crush on him
"come on, you were definitely crushing on me as soon as you came to snl"
"mmm you know, I think lorne was more my type of man" I teased
"that's if you want to be a sugar baby" he replied laughing
"I mean... I wouldn't mind being a sugar baby" I confessed
"wha- really?" bill was shocked
"it's not that big of a deal- think about it: a wiser, older, more financially stable man looking after me and keeping me happy, whats there to complain about" bill considered a moment
"I should be a sugar baby then" he proposed
"we should both be sugar babies and get us a nice old white man" I replied
"share?" I asked
"we could share but I think he would want me more" bill said
"true, very true" we both started laughing, I'm starting to love this guy more and more everyday.

It's a cold December this year so I thought we should to the lake which had been frozen over,
"where are we going y/n?"
"you took me somewhere special so I'm going to take you somewhere special" I looked back into his curious eyes and smiled mischievously.
I'm taking him here because it's where I would go with my grandmother all the time, we loved winter especially and she often told me that I should find someone to make me feel happy when she's not around, now she's been gone for 2 years I think I might of found the person who's making me happy. We finally got to the park and I tugged bill towards the bench to sit beside me, he sat down and placed an arm around me
"so what's special about this park?" he looked interested
"my grandmother told me that when she dies, I should find someone that makes me happy, and this was the place we would sit and talk with each other for hours" I smiled as I looked back onto the memories, in the corner of my eye I could see bill watching me
"I make you happy?" he asked
"friends,more than friends- ever since I've known you, you've made me happy - now more than ever" I turned and smiled at bill softly, and he smiled back with lust in his eyes
"you" he held my hand "you make me happy too. Before you I thought I was fine, but now I've realised I've been missing something and I've now found it" he stared deeply into my eyes
"I tend to have that effect on most people" I joked to break the tention, I don't really know what to do in situations like this most of the time. He chuckled lightly "do you think your grandma would like me?" he said with a smirk
"mmm she might of told you to get a haircut but I think she would have liked you" I moved some of his brown locks away from his face
"but I like your hair like this" I said calmly, looking fondly at his face
"ya think? I gotta be honest I don't really know what to do with my hair" he confessed as he ran his hand through his mop of hair
"I think that you should grow it as long as possible, like at least down to your ass" I joked with a pretend serious look on my face
"like a hippy?"
"exactly like a hip-" I was interrupted by the sight of small white snowflakes falling onto my hand and bills head & shoulders
"what's wrong sugar?" he looked concerned
"it's snowing" I stood up and looked around me and then at the ground, it was nearly fully white
"oh, it is- shit its nearly covered the whole ground" we were like children staring all around us smiling in awe
"I love snow" I looked back at his distracted face
"me too" he looked up at the sky and then back at me "have you ever kissed someone in the snow? " he said, a mischievous gleam in his eyes
"no, I don't think I have" as I said this bill took my hand and pulled me to his lap
"have you?" I teased
"I will soon" he looked at my lips and then back into my eyes
"me too" i leaned in slowly and our lips locked together gently, I don't know how many times I'm going to kiss this man tonight but I wouldn't mind if I kissed him for the rest of my life, his lips were so soft and i feel like I'm melting whenever i kiss them.
He pulled away slowly
"I quite like kissing in the snow" he smiled as his spoke, I giggled softly and rested my head in the crook of his neck
"you wanna head home? "
"yeah, im even more tired than I was before" I chuckled slightly
"come on then" I took muslef of his lap and he returned his hand to mine as we walked home.

Authors note:
Hi, I hope your enjoying the story, please vote and/or tell me what you want for other chapters.Im going to do one more short chapter about this night, basically to finish it off properly and then - if you guys want, I might carry on the relationship? Once again let me know what you guys want, ok I'm typing too much bye x

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