Goodnight, Sugar

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I hadn't checked the time in so long as I was so tired and caught up in the thought of being with bill, we walked quietly through the snow, keeping a small conversation going as we walked but every now and then fading into a comfortable silence, I started to replay that date scene from pulp fiction in my head.
"this is like in pulp fiction" I broke the silence,
"what is?" bill was confused
"this comfortable silence" I responded
"oh yeah, I think we're both too tired to start dancing in the street though" he joked
"I can just about walk" ironically I stumbled a little, but obviously bill caught me quickly and held onto me tight
"well, lucky for you - you're home now" he turned me towards the stairs and as I plodded up the concrete steps he stayed behind me incase I fell. I struggled with my keys for awhile until bill took them from my hands
"which one?" he asked
"blue" I smiled dazily at him, he opened the door and led me inside and shut it behind him
"I've been outside this apartment so many times but I have never been inside, I like it" he openly stated
"I'm glad you do" I gave him a smug smile as I tried to take off my shoes
"here-" bill ushered me to sit down as he untied my shoes and took them off my feet gently
"you don't have to do everything for me" I grunted
"but you're not doing too good of a job at anything right now are you?" he raised his eyebrows at me as he turned to put my shoes away, I huffed at his kindness like a child, he took off my coat for me as well and hung it up-I turned around to kiss him but before I could take things further he pulled away
" I think you should go to bed" he said stroking my cheek with his thumb
"fine" I narrowed my eyes at him. I yawned as I walked up the stairs, bill still hovering next to me and went into my room and flopped on the bed immediately, I heard a chuckle come from bill
"aren't you gonna brush your teeth, or wash your face?" he questioned-I could feel him smiling
"no" I mumbled into the mattress
"well then" he walked over to the bed and crouched down beside me and pulled the covers over my half asleep body "goodnight sugar" he Kissed my head softly as he ran his hand through my hair, he was about to get up until I grabbed his hand tiredly
"wait" I moved my head up slightly
"what's wrong Sugar?" he sounded and looked concerned
"stay" I looked at him desperately
"ok, but only until you fall asleep" he said sternly 
"ok Billy booooooyy" I giggled slightly as I mocked him with the nickname, he smiled softly as I laid my head down to sleep again. He kept one hand stroking my hair as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning at around 11 am and smiled at the memories of the night before. I pulled myself out of bed and made my way downstairs and made myself some tea. I didnt do much that day, I only went to the store and just watched TV for the rest of the day, I was too damn tired to do anything.
Authors note: I just checked how many reads this has and it has over 650! Thank you so much ❤️

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