S1 Episode 1- Pilot

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Sheldon learns that his high intelligence isn't always helpful growing up in East Texas, where church and football are king.
Missy: Sheldon, if you don't get in here I'm gonna lick your toothbrush!
Sheldon: Coming!
Sheldon came running into the dining room from the garage and sat in between his Dad and brother.
George: What the hell were you doing out there?
Mary: George Language!
George: What Language? So?
Sheldon: I was exploring dimensional kinematics.
Georgie: Admit it, he's adopted.
Sheldon: How can I be adopted when I have a twin sister. Think, monkey think.
Mary: That's enough. No ones adopted.
Missy: I wish I was.
Mary: That can still be arranged. Now let's pray.
Sheldon: A moment please.
The 9 yr old boy started to put on mittens and multiple groans could be heard from everyone.
Mary: Leave him be.
George: He can hold hands with his family if won't kill him.
Sheldon: We don't know that. Georgie did you wash your hands before dinner? Or even this week?
Georgie: None is your business.
Sheldon: Hence the mittens.
Y/n: Dude.
They all held hands with Y/n holding Missy and Georgie's hands and Mary began saying grace.
Mary: Thank you god for Thai food we're about to receive and for the nourishment of our bodies, and bless the hands that prepared it.
All: Amen.
They all picked up their cutlery and starting digging in. Before Georgie noticed something.
Georgie: How come we ain't got no tater tots?
Mary: I made tater tots last night.
Y/n: You made tater tots last night?
Georgie: I'd take tater tots over mashed potatoes any day.
Mary: Just eat what I made you.
Georgie: Can we at least have tater tots tomorrow?
The chatter continued amongst the table until they got to the topic of School.
Mary: Everybody excited to start school Monday?
Sheldon: I am.
Missy: I guess so.
Mary: Georgie? Y/n?
The two exchanged an unamused look.
Mary: Freshman year, that's a big deal.
Georgie: How can I be excited when he's gonna be in the same grade as me.
Sheldon. Don't worry Georgie, I'm not planning  on being in the ninth grade for very long.
Missy: All I know is he isn't in the same grade as me anymore and I'm thrilled.
Sheldon: Good luck with your finger painting.
Missy: Your gonna get your ass kicked in high school. Yeah
Mary: Hey, language.
Sheldon: I'm not going to be assaulted. High school is a haven for higher learning.
George: Oh dear god
Mary: Speaking of God, who's going to church with me tomorrow?
George: I can't..... I meeting with the other coaches.
Mary: Can't meet after Church?
George: No Mary I can't meat after Church.
Mary: Georgie?
Georgie: Me and (Y/n) have to study my playbook.
Y/n: Sorry Mary. Next Sunday?
Mary: Yes dear that's alright.
George, Georgie and (Y/n) smirked at each other.
Sheldon: I'll go with you Mom.
Mary smiled great fully at her son.
Missy: Why you going. You don't believe in God.
Sheldon: No, but I believe in Mom.
Mary: I'll take it. Missy?
Missy: Can't, Heather asked me to-
Mary: Your going.
Missy: Son of a bich.
Mary turned to missy and flicked her forehead and Georgie laughed which caused some food off of Missy's plate to be thrown at him and he threw a napkin at her. They continued their little food fight as their mother tried to stop them and Sheldon covered his food with his napkin whilst George kept on eating and (Y/n) tried to doge all the stuff being thrown across by the two.
The next morning:
Y/n walked through the front door to the Cooper's house and thanking Mary for driving them. But that would only soon be turned to George driving the teenagers and Mary driving the 9 yr old. As soon as she sat down next to Georgie at the smaller table in the kitchen Missy walked in and saying something about Sheldon missing a bow tie and went straight to Y/n and sat on her lap.
George: Leave it alone. Mary he doesn't need a bow tie.
Mary: It's his first day of school let him wear what he wants.
Sheldon: Mom I cant find my bow tie!
Georgie huffed next to Y/n as Mary went to go help her son.
Georgie: Can we drive in with you?
George hesitated before saying sure.
Missy: Everyone's gonna know he's your brother. It's gonna be awful for you two.
Y/n looked at her confused before booting her off her lap and going to stand behind Georgie's chair and leaning on it.
Georgie: Tell her to shut up.
George: She's not wrong.
Fussing over Mary trying to find the bow tie could be heard and Y/n snuggled her face into Georgie's neck from behind.
Georgie: You still tired?
Y/n: Dude it's the first day and I'm not late. You tell me.
Georgie shrugged before going back to what he was doing. But soon his mother came storming in causing Y/n to look up but kept her chin rested on his shoulder blade.
Mary: George Jr! Give me back that bow tie right now.
Georgie: I didn't take it.
Mary: Don't you lie to me!
Georgie: I'm not lying!
Mary: We'll see about that!
Georgie: Stay outa my room!
Missy: She's gonna find your dirty magazines.
Georgie: Shut up!
Missy: You are not having a good day.
Georgie sighed in defeat and Y/n snuggled back into his neck but wrapped her arms around his chest and he leant back into her touch. Soon his Dad came back and it their dismay they separated and went to school.
At school:
Y/n and Georgie sat next to each other between the gap of the desks. The teacher introduced us to Sheldon and in between he was looking around the class and turning until his eyes landed on Georgie and me and Georgie told him to turn around. As soon as she finished Sheldon raised his hand and Georgie sighed.
Ms Macelroy: Yes Sheldon.
Sheldon: Per the student dress and grooming code. This boy's hair is too long, this boy is wearing sports attire outside a designated area. And this girl's blouse is diaphanous, which means I can see her brassiere.
Many of the students laughed whilst Georgie slumped in his chair and Y/n tried not to giggle.
Ms Macelroy: Thank you I will take that into account. All right, we have few minutes before first period. I need you all to fill out these forms-
Sheldon raised his hand again and the teacher answered him.
Sheldon: Also, in violation of the grooming code on page 48 article 5 subsection B you have a bit of a moustache.
The class laughed and Y/n cracked a smile and a little giggle.
The rest of the day was spent with Sheldon telling on people and then Y/n went back to her house whilst Georgie and Sheldon went back to theirs. George spoke to his youngest son about telling on people all the time and that night was the first time Sheldon ever held his Farther's hand.

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