S1 Episode 7: A Brisket, Voodoo, and Cannonball Run

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Description: The kids try to suggest ways to resolve a family feud when Meemaw refuses to give George Sr her secret brisket recipe.

Everyone was sat around the table when the best brisket in Texas- Scrap Texas. The whole of the USA. Meemaw's smoked brisket -was planted on each of their plates. And trust me. That is some good brisket.

Georgie: This is really good, Meemaw.
Connie: Really good? You're spitting the best brisket in all of Texas all over the damn table.
Mary: Close your mouth when you eat.
Sheldon: Or aim your face the other way.
George: Connie one of these days, you got to give me the recipe.
Connie: You bet. For sure. One of these days.
George: Oh come on. Can't hold on it it forever.
Y/n: Technically she could. She could never tell anyone meaning the recipe would never be known by anyone but her and when she dies the recipe no longer exists.
Georgie: You have one messed up brain.
Y/n: I'm strangely proud of it.
George: Remember this is our house. I could kick you out and back to Britain. (You're parents are from England but you all moved to Texas when you were 2 years old.)
Y/n: Ha! Kick me out and watch his grade drop 50%!
Georgie: Hey! I normally get 40%.
Y/n: Exactly.
Connie: Mean that much to you?
George: Mary and I were dating about a month when she brought me home for dinner. I took one bite of this brisket, and I knew I loved your daughter.
Mary: Gee, thanks.
Georgie: Kind of like beauty and the beast except Dad kissed meat.
Y/n: That was so romantic, I think a tear just fell from my eye.
George: I will kick you out.
Y/n: Ah, you love me really. I keep George Jr here from being a dropout and becoming a boy model.
Georgie: I would be a good looking model!
Missy: For a dog magazine.
Georgie: Shut up.
Connie: I'll tell you what. You go get a piece of paper I'll write it down for you.
George: Okay! This is happening!

He said and ran to the kitchen.

Y/n: Oh my- life. Did he just run?!
Mary: That's the fastest I've ever seen him run.
Sheldon: It's the only time I've seen him run.

He came back and placed the piece of paper and a pencil in front of Connie.

George: There you go.

She started writing on the paper. Whilst George said something to Mary and she said something back to which he laughed at standing in anticipation as Connie finished and folded the paper.

Connie: Now this is for your eyes only. You're not to share it with anybody.
George: I never- I would never.

He opened it to read 'Keep Dreaming Tubby ' and sighed.

George: You're a horrible person.
Georgie: What it'd say?
Missy: I wanna know what is said.
Sheldon: Me too.
George: Just eat.
Y/n: I know what it said.
George: What?
Y/n: I'll tell you later.
Mary: Can I read it?

George gave it to Mary who read it giggled under her breath but then sighed and looked back at Connie.

Mary: You are a horrible person.
Connie: Ain't I?
Mary: All right, that's enough about the brisket. You kids excited for the church picnic tomorrow?
Georgie: Not really?
Missy: I don't know.
Y/n: Are we singing Shine Jesus Shine?
Mary: Oh come on. You all saw the flier. The three F's: Food, fun and fellowship.
Connie: And I'm bringing a big slab of my brisket.
George: That's it. 15 years in this family and all this time I've been nothing but a good, supportive son-in-law. I always treated your daughter right. I gave you three beautiful grandchildren. Only thing I ever asked in return was that damn recipe.
Connie: You're right. Get another piece of paper I'll write it down.
George: Don't mess with me, Connie.
Connie: Get the paper before I change my mind.
Mary: You're going to do it to him again, aren't ya?
Connie: I kind of have to.

Y/n: I'm sorry what did I miss?!
Georgie: A lot.

Georgie said to Y/n who was sitting in front of him on his bed. She frowned before registering everything.

Y/n: So let me get this straight. In the timespan of me not being here, your parents fought over brisket? You were grounded for "listening" in when you didn't? You and your Dad broke into your Meemaw's house to look for it and didn't find it. Your Meemaw gave your dad a fake recipe and he went to every place on there like he would die if he didn't? Found out it was fake and now won't be around your Meemaw making your parents fight again?
Georgie: Yes! Now I'm scared they'll get a divorce!
Y/n: Woah... Well we've got to find out that recipe.
George: How are we supposed to do that?
Y/n: Ask the twins?

George: Turn off your train, we've got to talk.
Sheldon: About what?
George: Mom is so upset about Dad and Meemaw, she might want a divorce.
Sheldon: No one's getting divorced.
George: How do you know?

A whistle sounds in the back from one of the trains.

Sheldon: Great, now I have to throw that out.
Sheldon: Mother-in-laws are always held in low regard by the father.
It rarely leads to a breakup of the family.
Missy + Y/n: He's right.
Missy: Fred and Wilma are still happily married.
George: I think if we can figure out
a way for Dad to get Meemaw's brisket recipe, this all goes away.
Sheldon: I don't see how we can accomplish that.

One of Sheldon's trains clatters as Missy picks it up. He turns to face her.

Sheldon: Put that down. That's not a toy.
Missy: Sure it is. Choo choo.

Sheldon's eyes widen at the sound and almost goes into a daze, Georgie and Y/n look confused at each other and Missy rolls her eyes.

Sheldon: I know the recipe.
Y/n: Huh?
Georgie: What?
Sheldon: She told it to me.
Georgie: When?
Sheldon: February 14, 1982.
I was 23 months old, it was Valentine's Day, and Mom and Dad went out for dinner. You were there. Don't you remember?
Missy: I got nothing.
Georgie: You can really remember when you were that little?
Sheldon: Uh-huh. You were there, too. You were still struggling with potty training.
Georgie: I don't think so.
Sheldon: Oh, yes. Meemaw used to call you Mr. Soggy Pants.
Georgie: Nuh-uh
Missy: Mr. Soggy Pants.
Georgie: Quit it. This is serious. Sheldon, you've got to tell Dad that recipe.
Sheldon: But Meemaw told me it was a secret.
Georgie: If you don't, and Mom and Dad get a divorce, it's your fault.
Sheldon: All right. Fine.
Missy: Good job, Soggy Pants.

Georgie shrugs Missy's hand off her shoulder. Y/n stifled a laugh and tapped his shoulder.

Y/n: I told you.

Sheldon had gathered Connie, Mary and George into a room and proceeded to reveal that he knew Connie's brisket recipe to which she didn't believe till he started reading it out making her stop him. Then coming to terms with defeat and telling George he can have the recipe before George surprising declined before they both hugged. Don't get your hopes up, he made Sheldon tell him the recipe straight after she left.

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