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It's been months since our relationship started. Like other couples, we do fight on certain situations. But at end of the day, we sort out our differences. Our bond is getting strong day by day. Xavier has taken me out for several dates. Zach knows about me and us. It's shock to know, Zach and Ellie are still together. Till now, everything is normal.
Wills is still out of radar. He has done good job of hiding himself with the help of mafia, so it's difficult for us to find him legally. I have less than 3 months to solve this case and Wills is having upper hand till now. Liam is doing his work and I can't doubt his capabilities.

And I'm still contemplating about Brandon. I'm not ready to face him yet but a part of me knows that I'm not ready to face the truth. He is in California, works as a cartoonist under CCC Company and engaged to a girl who is from the same company.
But apart from that I have one major problem to face. Rebecca! She usually comes to his office and now this meeting is getting on my nerves. She is still inside and as much as I want to wring her neck, I'll sit here and wait.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

It's my angel. Angel! A natural smile always appears on my face. It's really long since I met her and I feel guilty, I feel like I'm neglecting her but she is my priority.

"Hey sista!" her angelic voice greets from other side.

"Angel" I greet back matching her tone.

"When are you coming? We are missing you. You do remember you have family right?" she ask sadly and my heart hurts at her gloomy voice.

"I'll be meeting you next month. I promise" I promise and I'm gonna meet her, no matter what. No one actually have time to meet their love ones but if you really love them, then you manage your time.

"We have to cope up with the time we have lost" her voice takes 180 degree turn, from sad to excited.

"How are you doing?" I ask her getting serious and she better knows not to joke on this topic.

"I'm getting good day by day. I'll have to go hospital. My patients must be waiting for me" I know she is trying to change the topic and I let it pass because I'm gonna call her doctor now.

"See you then. Take care"

"Miss you" I hung the call.

I have so much in my plate. Wills, Brandon, Uncle Sam, Xavier, Angel and now Rebecca.

Knock! Knock!

"Get in" I order the person to come in.

Rebecca comes inside with a smirk plastered on her face. I take a look at her attire. Her lipstick is smudge all over her lips and jaw. Her once perfect her hair is perfect example of a bird's nest. Her both hands are hid behind her. What is she doing here? Competing a beggar?

She stands in front of my desk. I raise my eyebrow in a form of question. She moves her one hand from behind her and she has a thong hung in her fingers. She throws that skimpy material on my desk. And boy I'm furious now.

"What the heck?" I shout jumping on my feet.

My office door burst open and Xavier rush inside, looking nervous and pale. Now I get it. Spare me a murder Jesus.

"Aliana, it's not wh-" I stop him in his mid sentence because I have other works to handle.

"It's OK Xavier. I get it. I completely get it" I bark through my greeted teeth.

"You asked me to hold him by his arms close? I think, I did pretty well" Rebecca said arrogantly, proud of her work.

"Clean" I said in low tone but angry.

Trust Me Or Ruin MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang