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"Clean up duty sucks. It doesn't actually suck, it's stinky though. I don't like this. His eyes are looking at me. Can I attempt to shut them? Do I dare to touch this corpse?"

Jonathan looked up at Willow while picking the man up by his legs. "Can I have that end?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "What? I don't want its eyes looking at me."

"He is not an 'it'. He's human."

"A dead one."

"Yes, a dead one." Jonathan rolled his eyes and dropped the man's legs on the floor. They thudded and the sound echoed in the small room. Hannibal cocked his head to the side and trotted over to sniff the man.

"Ah!" Willow exclaimed and shooed him away. "Stop trying to nibble his fingers. That's disgusting. This whole thing is disgusting. Those eyes!" Willow exclaimed and ran out of the room.

Jonathan blinked confused and looked to the dead body by his feet, then to where Willow was previously standing. "Have you finished with your sudden Ommetaphobia moment?" Jonathan asked while Willow peeked around the door frame.

"My what?"

"Ommetaphobia , phobia of eyes."

"But look at them!"

Jonathan did and then looked back up at her. "So?"

"They remind me of a doll." Willow tilted her head to the side. Jonathan eyed her oddly when she walked back into the cell. "I used to poke doll eyes out."

"Thanks, because I seriously needed to know this?"

"Poke, poke...poke." Willow said while poking the air with a knife.

"Willow, can you put the knife down?"

"But I don't like his eyes!"

"You're being a little hysterical." Jonathan crossed his arms and looked at her. "Even more so." He looked up and at the walls. There were holes in each corner of the room. From these holes a tube was hidden away. This tube would get pumped with toxins. Narrowing his eyes, Jonathan saw a small cloud still trickling through. He was near immune to his toxins, yet Willow wasn't. The toxins which were pumped into this room were new. Smiling lightly Jonathan stepped back. "Perhaps I was wrong." He watched Willow, "You're not being hysterical."

"Of course I'm not! Look at them! They're just there, staring...I don't like it." She shook her head.

Jonathan smiled and readjusted his glasses. These toxins seemed to make her act in an odd way. Any other times she'd been subjected to the toxins, she'd cry and run and hide. But this time she was having a whole new moment.

Jonathan stepped back and watched as Willow crouched down near the man. "Poke, poke," Willow said quietly while lifting her hand up and taking to poking the man's eyes with the knife. There was a sickening squelch noise, which didn't deter her at all in her mission to get rid of the staring doll eyes. "There was a girl I was with in the children's home, her name was...what was it?" Willow frowned in thought. "Sarah...I didn't like her, she didn't like me. But she had this terrifying doll which apparently was her mother's and she left it with her." Willow looked up at him. "What a shit memento right? I'll abandon you here, in this shithole, but have this doll." Willow shrugged and rolled her hand in his direction. "It was horrid. It had these eyes which shut when the doll tilted forwards. His eyes remind me of them."

Jonathan crouched down and looked at her. "What did you do?" He questioned interestedly, Willow smiled and looked at him. Jonathan smiled lightly, Willow didn't answer but plunged the knife into one of the man's eyes.

"That." Willow shrugged. "She screamed, and she cried and she was so annoying." Willow sounded generally annoyed at this girl she grew up with.

"What happened next?"

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