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 There was something rather relaxing about the small suburbs at night. Jonathan turned the corner and walked slowly down the road. He departed from the slums not long after Batman left. Jonathan had taken into consideration of what he'd said, there wasn't really anything Jonathan could comment on to be honest. Hannibal trotted at his side. If anything the dog seemed rather happy about the prospect of being in a normal home again. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Jonathan looked up at the steady lamp light. Unlike the slums, the light didn't flicker and stutter and seem to generally struggle to stay alight.

Walking and stopping suddenly he looked up at the small familiar house. Hannibal yawned by his side. It was like a casual hint that he wanted to be let in so he could sleep. Rummaging in his pockets Jonathan frowned. Patting his jacket down he let out a thoughtful noise when he felt the keys. Reaching into his inside pocket he pulled them out slowly. Shuffling up the path he put the key in the lock and turned it.

It seemed like the simplest act ever. The door pushed opened and darkness greeted him. Hannibal ran in and jumped onto the sofa, shuffling around for a bit he collapsed with a yawn. Stepping inside Jonathan pushed the door shut, it quietly clicked shut. Looking around Jonathan played with the keys and put them on the coffee table. It wasn't that he was shocked by the silence of the house, he was just expecting to be swamped as soon as he stepped through the door.

Walking through the rooms on the ground level he turned and walked quietly upstairs. Peering over the bannister, Hannibal looked up at him and snuffled approvingly. Looking slowly back up at the dark corridor Jonathan continued on his way. Edging slowly forwards he peered into the first room. Nudging the door open with his foot he walked in. Crouching at the bed he reached up and brushed some stray black curls.

Willow's eyes slowly opened. Blinking several times she looked at him. "You came home?"

"Sorry I'm late."

"I guess I can forgive you."

"Hm," Jonathan smiled slowly and watched as Willow pushed herself to sit. Reaching over she flicked the bedside lamp on. Turning back to him she looked at him with wide eyes.

Putting her hands on his cheeks she tilted his head this way and that. "What the hell happened to you?" She paused and wagged a finger. "This ties in with the destruction of the clinic, right?"

"Right." Jonathan confirmed. "Do you actually want to know the details?"

"I'm thinking perhaps not. Not if the details lead and explain as to why you look like you've been ran over and then pulled through a ditch."

Jonathan stood and looked down at himself. Granted he did look pretty rough. "Ditch?"

"I hate to be blunt, but you're dirty and you smell." Willow pulled her knees to her chest and then slowly knelt in front of him. "Nice black eye you have there, dear."

"Nice pale complexion you have too."

"I almost died."

"Well I...wait, what?!" Jonathan was going to upstage her but her words sunk in and he was left looking dumbfounded. "Willow, that is not something to look proud of."

"Oh...you would feel proud if you saw what came out of my near death." She waved a hand at him casually. Placing her hands on his shoulders she smiled. "Welcome home, Jonathan. I have missed you very, very, very much." She pulled him close. "Even if you do smell of dirty rain water." She whispered while burying her face in his shoulder.

"I've missed you too." Jonathan said quietly. "It's been too quiet."

Willow winced and looked at him. "Yeah...about that...I know what you're like with silence, and how it's a virtue," she jumped off of the bed. Reaching down and holding onto his hand she tugged him forwards. Jonathan trudged after her down the corridor. Willow let go of his hand and pushed a door open. Turning the dial on the wall she put the lights on, they were so dim that both still had to squint to see anything in the room. Before Jonathan could fully walk into the room, Willow stopped him by leaning against the door frame. Looking thoughtful she eyed him up. "You're one for overreacting at times. Can you be cool, this once?"

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