Art Collection (2)

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Hi everyone! Another set of stories have been finished for Fireside, so we now have a new intermission chapter full of concept art. As usual, the outfits I drew for the characters are not in any way historically or culturally accurate. They are stylistic, fantastical creations of yours truly, and are purely for entertainment purposes only. Let's start off with a bonus drawing, shall we?

This is a concept art of Amphitrite which I made way back in June, when I originally intended to combine her and Poseidon into one story

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This is a concept art of Amphitrite which I made way back in June, when I originally intended to combine her and Poseidon into one story. In the end, things went in a completely different direction, but hiding away her beauty in my sketchpad would have been such a waste. Luckily, I was able to mention her in Aphrodite's part. Being the fairy tale fanatic that I am, I included elements of aquatic life into her outfit, specifically pearl earrings, shell shoulder buckles and starfish hair clips. I didn't want to go too overboard, because any more embellishments would have made her clothes look tacky.

Next we have the dashing Hermes, with his signature staff and smirk

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Next we have the dashing Hermes, with his signature staff and smirk. I enjoyed drawing his hair and the coiled sash around his waist. I tried making his expression as laid back and smug as possible, which is the impression that I've always had of him. The hardest part to draw was probably the Caducean staff, because the two snakes had to be coiled around the main body. If you look closely, the black snake isn't actually fully curled around the staff, making it look alive and free to move around in any way it wants to.

I love the serious aura Athena is giving out in this drawing! I didn't ink her eyes, but filled it in using a pencil to stay true to her 'gray-eyed' description

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I love the serious aura Athena is giving out in this drawing! I didn't ink her eyes, but filled it in using a pencil to stay true to her 'gray-eyed' description. I also purposefully did not give her the version of the aegis that she could borrow from Zeus. Instead, I drew in a bust-high breastplate to emphasize her well-toned body (if anime can do it, so can I, lol). I did give her some of her dad's lightning to indicate the trust Zeus has in his favorite daughter.

And now we come to possibly the most infamous couple in Greek Mythology

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And now we come to possibly the most infamous couple in Greek Mythology. All my art concerning these two usually has Aphrodite wrapped around Ares in some manner. I think it shows how highly favored they both are in each other's eyes, to the point that they can excuse any madness or trouble-making their partner brews up. I purposefully made Ares look like the sleazy bastard he is in my mind, but I wasn't expecting Aphrodite to look as fabulous as she does in this drawing. I love how her voluminous hair frames that haughty face.

But my most favorite concept art so far has to be the one for Hephaestus

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But my most favorite concept art so far has to be the one for Hephaestus. I enjoyed experimenting with his head and body shape to make him look as distorted but still believable as possible. My inspirations were Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Beast from Beauty and the Beast. The one thing I didn't have the heart to do was take away his beautiful eyes. I wanted just a hint of something sweet and innocent there that people could pick up on and take pity for.

And there you have it, guys. All the art for the past five or so short stories in this anthology. I hope you enjoyed them. Do feel free to leave any comments/reactions to these artworks or Fireside in general. Thanks for stopping by, have a great day, and see you all for the next update! :)

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