Art Collection (3)

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Hello everyone! This is the last art collection for Fireside. I do hope you enjoy this set of hand-drawn images, even though they looked like they were rushed in half a day (because they were, lol). Please don't hesitate to leave comments and reactions below. They brighten up my writing life.

First we have Artemis, and I must say that I liked drawing her outfit the best

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First we have Artemis, and I must say that I liked drawing her outfit the best. Cuts like this are always the easiest for me to make frills on. I also drew her deer companion, which turned out so cute in my opinion.

I've already drawn Hades and Persephone, as well as Demeter, so this time I made Minthe instead

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I've already drawn Hades and Persephone, as well as Demeter, so this time I made Minthe instead. I originally wanted to give her straight and long hair, but the shoulder-length, 'crimped' style suited her outfit more I think. Yes, those are mint leaves in her hair and pinned to her shoulder. It's a nod to what she becomes after the little incident with the queen of the underworld. Her outfit is also a reference to old, renaissance masterpieces featuring naiads and other water-linked entities.

My favorite piece among this batch has to be the drawing for Apollo

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My favorite piece among this batch has to be the drawing for Apollo. He's holding a lyre in this picture, but there's also a stem of hyacinth tucked behind his ear. I had to think about how to make his pose, clothes and features look feminine, and that was a fun process. This is because one of my friends (whose name will be redacted because she doesn't want anyone else to know, lol) really loves the idea of Apollo being more 'fair' and 'beautiful' rather than ruggedly handsome. But if you ask me, he'll probably look gorgeous no matter what features he sports.

Hebe and Heracles are up next, and I can say that theirs turned out better than I'd expected

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Hebe and Heracles are up next, and I can say that theirs turned out better than I'd expected. Mostly because I hate the idea of drawing dead animals, even if it's just a lion's pelt. So I decided to hide the pelt a little by making it look fluffier. It now looks like a sheep's wool, but that's okay. Hebe doesn't seem to mind the small change either.

Finally, we have our anthology's main character

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Finally, we have our anthology's main character. The veil is there, the clothes are there, and she doesn't have much of a pose. It's simple, but it conveys what she stands for and brings focus to her half-hidden face and eyes. She looks a bit younger than the others too, just as a reference to the fact that she was the last one her father released. This probably won't be the last time I draw Hestia, but this depiction is pretty okay in my books.

There you have it. I hope you had fun reading this anthology. Thank you once again for giving this book a shot, and for leaving your comments within its virtual pages. I enjoyed reading them so much, mostly because they gave me the support and inspiration I needed to keep going until the end. I hope to see you all in our next Wattpad project.

Have a great day, and happy reading 'til then!

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