Dewar's Hollow

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Alex woke up the next morning with the puppy snuggled up next to her. Sherlock was still sleeping. Lou noticed that Alex was up and jumped off the bed. He jumped into Sherlock's bed and started licking his face. Sherlock chuckled in his sleep. He woke up and pushed the dog off him. 

"We shouldn't have this." He said. "You're going to get caught."

"I'll be fine, Sherlock." Alex said. She stretched and yawned. "So, what are we doing today?"

"We're talking to Henry Knight, but that's later this morning. You can go back to sleep if you want." Sherlock said, flopping back down. They both fell asleep. Later that morning, they woke up to John knocking on the door.

"Sherlock? Alex?" He said. "You up?"

"Hm...?" Sherlock said.

"Are you awake yet?" John asked.

"Oh, yeah, we're awake." Sherlock mumbled, shaking Alex. "Get dressed." 

"Ok." Alex said. She got up and threw on a T-shirt and jeans.

After eating breakfast, they all went outside to the jeep. Sherlock drove to Henry's house. Alex personally thought they were very brave to let Sherlock be driving. They got to Henry's house and rang the doorbell. Henry answered it and grinned at them.

"Hi. Come in, come in." He said.

It was a very big house, everything Alex had ever dreamed of having. She looked around it in awe. She turned to Henry, who was standing right behind her.

"Sorry if this sounds rude, but are" She asked, swallowing as she said the last word.

"Yeah." Henry nodded. 

They went into the kitchen, where Henry was making coffee. John and Sherlock had some, but Alex declined. She had ice water instead. 

"There's a couple of words." Henry started. "It's what I keep seeing. Liberty and in. It's just that."

"Isn't 'Liberty in Death' the expression?" Alex asked, tilting her head.

"Uh huh." John said.

"The only true freedom." Sherlock breathed.

"What now?" Henry asked.

"Sherlock's got a plan." John said.

"Yes." Sherlock nodded.

"Right." Henry nodded.

"We take you back out onto the moor." Sherlock said.

"Okay." Henry sighed.

"See if anything attacks you." Sherlock said.

"What?" Alex said.

"That should bring things to a head." Sherlock said.

"At night? You want me to go out there at night?" Henry asked.

"Uh huh." Sherlock nodded.

"That's your plan?" Alex said.

"Brilliant." John said sarcastically.

"What?" Sherlock said.

"That's not a plan." Alex said.

"If there is a monster out there, Alex, there's only one thing to do: find out where it lives." Sherlock said.

Later that evening, the four of them were walking to the hollow. It was a long walk and the sun was setting. Alex walked backwards and studied it.

"It's beautiful." She said. 

They all had flashlights. It was pitch black by the time they got to the hollow. Alex clung to either Sherlock of John.

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