The Three People Who Love You Most

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The theme for this case will be "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." 


Soon, the actual wedding was over. Alex was so happy for her brother and Mary. Sherlock had been shifting the entire service. As they walked out of the church, John was beaming.

"Ah, congradulations! I want to get this shot of the newlyweds." The photographer said. Sherlock was standing next to Mary. "Uh, just the bride and groom, please." Sherlock pretended not to hear him.

"Sherlock." John said.

"Oh, sorry." Sherlock said, stepping to the side.

Oh, Sherlock... Alex thought. She quickly went over to stand next to him.

"Okay, three, two, one." The photographer said.

Sherlock and Alex had to pose for their pictures shortly after. There was confetti flying around them. Alex had to wipe her eyes several times to clear them of the colored paper. One of Mary's other bridesmaids cautiously approached them.

"Hi, I'm Jeanine." She said.

"Hi, I'm Alex." Alex said. "And this is-"

"The famous Mr. Holmes." Jeanine said. "I'm very pleased to meet you."

Sherlock just simply nodded at her. Alex sensed that Jeanine was attracted to Sherlock, which she wasn't all too pleased about. Sherlock was her boyfriend. After this incident, they went to go to the place John and Mary had rented out for their lunch and party. Alex honestly didn't understand why the bride and groom had to say hello to every single guest. A man who was almost bald walked up to Mary, who grinned.

"David!" She said. Alex stiffened.

"Different David." Sherlock whispered.

"Oh. Thank God." Alex said. Mary tried to hug David, who backed up.

"You look, um, very nice." He said.

"Thanks." Mary said.

"John, congradulations. You're a lucky man." David said.

"Thank you." John said.

"David, this is Sherlock and Alex." Mary said, gesturing to the best man and bridesmaid.

"Um, yeah, we've uh...met." David said.


(A few months earlier)

Sherlock was sitting across from David at 221B. Alex and Mary were out choosing perfume and John was going with them.

"So, what are my duties as an usher?" David asked.

"Let's talk about Mary first." Sherlock said.

"Sorry, what?" David said.

"Oh, I think you know what." Sherlock said. "You went out with her for two years."

"Ages ago, we're just good friends now." David said.

"Is that a fact?" Sherlock said. "Whenever she tweets, you respond within five minutes, regardless of time or current location, suggesting you have her on text alert. In all your Facebook photographs of the happy couple, Mary takes centre frame, whereas John is either partly or entirely excluded."

"Well, you can't assume from that I've still got some kind of interest in Mary?" David said.

"You've volunteered to be a shoulder to cry on on no less than three seperate occasions. Do you have anything to say in your defense?" Sherlock asked. David gaped at him. "I think from now on we'll downgrade you to casual acquaintence, no more than three planned social encounters a year, always in John's presence. I have your contact details, I will be monitoring."

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