The Society of the Gifted

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A/n this was like my firstborn child. 4 years ago I was dragged into the void that was Wattpad. And I published this and like I don't know. It scared it. But this train wreck of a story draft drove me to write and keep writing - including my Kidnapped by assassin's book which has recently hit 100K reads on Wattpad.

This baby needs a lot of work. The only part I absolutely love is the blurb.


Blurb / Discription

Twins, Kya and Chase Faukes, have had to deal many things in their 18 years of life. However, they never expected to be gifted with abilities and thrown into a world of magical abilities, time travel, and a society they never new existed.

Their parents died a decade ago, by means of a car accident - as told by their uncle - now guardian - Max.

So many secrets were found to be kept from them and now they are thrown into a world - completely alien to them.

Kya is a Time Walker - she can move back and forward in time, She has one of the most rare abilities - which of course means that - everyone wants her.

Chase is a matter changer - he can phase through objects and become hard as steel - he will protect his twin sister till his last breath.

Scott is a Healer - he can heal himself and anyone of basically any injury. - having met Kya through time, he has felt a pull to her over the last 10 years, he wants to keep her safe.

She is his Destined after all.

Balthazar is the leader of the Dark Gifted. - those who have embraced the ways of dark magic. He plans to take over the society and even the world. He has met Kya several times through time and he wants her, a dark time walker - would be basically unstoppable.

Questions arise - why does Balthazar want Kya? Will Kya be able to control all the abilities blessed upon her? Should she? Will Scott and Kya fall in love? Will Chase be stuck as a third wheel?

Can they actually trust the society?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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