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A yellow thermal and a pair of gray sweats were placed into Joanna's manicured hands.

  Faintly, she lifted her head to peer into the eyes of Esme Cullen who gifted her with the warm clothes and when she was about to leave, Joanna called her. "Hey, uh, I'm sorry about the whole situation downstairs. I'm just... I'm just confused, worried, I'm just dealing with a lot. Apparently vampires exist and one of them is after me. It's weird."

  Esme fixes her dress, one that's covered in lavenders with a base whit color. Her eyes shimmer with sympathy. "You're alright, Jo. I promise we'll protect you. Goodnight, dear." And slowly the door closes and Joanna quickly gets dressed.

  Edward had supplied her with a charger for a phone and a few extra blankets since their home was a bit on the chillier side. She flipped over the blankets, letting herself be buried underneath the warmth.

  Then it's quiet. The home is quiet, but Joanna can faintly hear Bella down the hall, most likely with Edward. They're discussing about Victoria, once again, and about how they thought they lost her. Edward believes that they shouldn't worry too much, while Bella disagrees. Stating that the woman was in danger. Now that made chilss run up her spine again.

  Her eyes stung with tears of frustration. She didn't want to be here. She didn't want to deal with a vampire that's after her. Emmett was put in charge of guarding her home, but she still felt her family was unsafe.

  "Jo," the bedroom door is pushed open to reveal Alice, whom is coming over to her bed to sit on the corner closest to her. Joanna can feel another figure in the room. "I wish we can just stop this all. Jasper, come on in, you're fine." Jasper slowly creeps in, keeping a safe distance from Joanna.

  Her fear starts to soothe into exhaustion. She feels her eyes becoming heavy and her body feeling weak. "No, Jasper that isn't needed."

  Joanna furrows her brows and jerks her head towards the blonde. When their eyes met, he looks away and exhaustion still lingers in her, just not as strong,

  "What? What did he do?"

  Alice bites her lip before questioning if Jasper would like to explain or if she would. But the blonde shook his head and hesitantly neared Joanna. "I'm an empath. I can control emotions, is the best way to put it." She nods, it's the best response she can give. Joanna sits up, starring between the two.

  Her voice us quiet, "She has my scent. Do any of you know what that means? Does she want to eat me or..?" Jasper shakes his head, studying the dark-haired girl.

  "We don't know, actually. It could mean a million things," Jasper spoke up, his eyes drifting away from her to focus on his feet. She still heard his voice clearly. "But we do know that with you scent within her hold, you're vulnerable."

  Joanna frowned intensely at that. "I barely know you. Why on Earth is this happening to me?"

  "My best guess," Alice said, placing a hand over Joanna's knee that was covered by a thick blanket, "Is that when she saw you with Bella at the salon, she supposed you were close to her. So if she took you, it would weaken Bella. But you two aren't close at all. You have only spoken very little words to each other."

A layer of silence is laid upon them. "Why do you stay far away from the rest of them?" The question is targeted to Jasper who looks surprised. He fumbles with his hands,

  "I'm not used to my diet yet. I stay away for safety reasons. However, Alice believes it's safe for me to be near you now. So, that's that."

  More questions started to escape her mouth. "Diet? What do you mean diet?"

Tattoos & Scars  [1] | Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now