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  "Bella, how the hell do you not eat Pizza Rolls?"

The dark-haired girl looked over her shoulder to find Bella lazily leaning against the table. Her body was covered by a pair of black sweats and a plain purple t-shirt. Under her eyes, there were dark spots from her lack of sleep and her mouth was twisted down into a small frown. However, hearing the girl's voice, she placed her attention on her.

She fiddled with her fingers as she spoke, "Uh, never. I just never had any interest in trying them. Apparently you're hyped about them, huh?"

  Through her hair that was covering her face, Joanna quirked the corners up into a smile. "Of course. They're delicious and amazing. At least try one. As much as I love eating cereal, Pizza Rolls have a very special place in my heart."

Giggling, Bella shook her head and stood next to the older woman, watching as she placed their meal into the oven. When she was finished, she spoke up, "It's freezing outside."

  "It sucks," Joanna responded, looking outside at the window before looking down at the brunette. "At least we're inside where it's warm. Wanna watch Family Guy?"

  "Sure," Bella grinned softly, finding herself, once again, enjoying the company of the older woman. Together they crashed on the couch, covered themselves with blankets and turned on the television, watching the adult cartoon play. Bella was still dealing with her depression, her heart and mind still crushed by Edward's actions and choices, but when she was around Joanna, she found herself forgetting about him. She made her laugh. She made her smile.

And of course, she made her try Pizza Rolls.

  "Now, tell me, is it good?," Joanna questioned, watching as Bella took her first bite. For a moment, Bella was silent with the show playing in the back ground being the only source of noise.

She swallows and grins at her friend. "Not bad. Actually, I could go for more if I'm still hungry. Maybe we can make Charlie try some."

  "I thought your dad was cautious around food because of your mom's wild mind?"

Smirking, Bella shrugged. "I think these could pass. Oh! I was asked out on a fun... date?"

  Joanna froze and stared at the teenager for longer than she realized. "Date? You sound weird saying date. Who is the guy and, uh, do you think you're alright going. You know, after it all."

  Bella flinched, her eyes drifting to look at the wall. Her facial features were morphing to pain, regret, disgust, and even forlorn. "Date, no, date isn't a good word. I was just asked by a friend to go to the movies, actually. Besides, Charlie wants me out of the house more."

  Joanna paused, licking her dry lips. "I thought you went with Stanley, like last week."

  "I did." She said bluntly, something flashing across her face before she was shoving another Pizza Roll in her mouth. "And it was fun," she added when she finished chewing. "I lived a little."

  "You're being bland with me, Bella."

  The younger of the two breathed out a sigh, running a hand through her long locks. Her eyes drifted away from her older friend, simply choosing to stare at her hands as distant memories plagued her mind. "Listen, I just need to try to move on. H-h-he would've wanted that. But I don't want that, that's the problem." With cloudy eyes, she looked at the artist. "I still love him. He wanted me to he safe, but I don't feel safe! Victoria is still on the run after us and it's my fault she's-"

  "It's not your fault that she's after me, alright? I know you still love him and I know you hate moving on, but I'll be by your side all the way. At least try to go out, smile and laugh with others like you do with me."

Tattoos & Scars  [1] | Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now