Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Tyler’s POV

            The rouges spilled from the forest and advanced on the small group of wolves. From my vantage point, I watched as the pack started to shift. A pair of identical wolves caught my eye. For some reason, I felt like I knew them. I watched as the rouges began to close in around them.

            The battle seemed to go on for hours. The twins fought with everything in them, but the rouges never play fair. The girl was injected with something that drained her strength. Her brother was killed in front of her. I felt a small flash of pain and guilt before she ripped the rouge apart. The she clasped, her parents rushed over to her. 

            I jerked awake, a scream lodged in my throat. Looking around, I noticed that I was alone. Jason must have gone to do some Beta duties. I roll over and face the window. Why would I have a dream like that? I close my eyes and a guy appeared before me. He had the same eyes as I did along with my hair. Confused, I just stared at him.


            “Who are you?”

            “I’m your brother, Sam.” I shake my head. “I don’t remember having any family.”

            “That’s because the moon goddess wiped your memories.”

            “Why would she do that?”

            “She did that so you would have a second chance at love.” I glare at him. “Well, would you please tell her that I would love to have the memories of my family back? Whatever memories besides those I don’t care if she gives back or not. I hate this feeling of not knowing anything.”

            The guy stared at me sadly. “But if I ask her to give them back to you, then you won’t be as happy as you are now. I'm not sure if you would be able to handle the pain Ty. It's my job to look out for you." I frown at him and he smiles at me. I shake my head. 

            “Sam, I need to remember who they are, even if it comes with bad memories. I have my mate now, so I’m pretty sure that I can make it through anything they throw my way.” I give him a smile and I watch as he gives in. “Fine, I’ll ask her, but that doesn’t mean she’ll do it.”

            “Thanks Sam.” Walking up to me he hugs me tightly. "I miss you dearly sis. It hurt me to see you in so much pain. It was never your fault, you didn't know what would happen that day. You couldn't have stopped it."

        "I couldn't have stopped what from happening? I have no memories remeber?" I tell him and he laughs softly. "I'll ask her, but I can't promise anything girl. It's all up to her." I nod and he fades again and I wake up to someone shaking me. Opening my eyes, I see Jason looking at me with a scared look in his eyes. “Are you alright?”

            “I’m fine. Are you alright?” I ask throwing his question back at him. He smiles. “I’m fine now babe, now that you’re here.” I smile back at him and he lies beside me wrapping me in his arms. Feeling safe, I close my eyes and lay my head on his shoulder. I’m glad that he’s my mate.

Jason’s POV

            I walked back into her room to find her whining. I woke her up thinking it was a nightmare, but she said that she was find. I lay down beside her, pulling her against my chest. The sparks and tingles ran under my skin. I still haven’t gotten used to the idea of having another mate.

            Tyler lets out a sigh and curls into my chest. James steps into the room. He slides into the chair so I can see him. “Jason, I’ve found out a little information on your mate.” For some reason though, he didn’t look happy about it. Tyler couldn’t remember hardly anything. The last thing she could remember was flying off her bike. I look at my alpha. “Speak up James. What is it?”

            “She’s the niece of Alpha Ralph O’Shea and the daughter of Parker O’Shea.” He says quietly, but I still heard him. “O’Shea? You mean to tell me that Tyler’s one of the surviving members of the Sterling Lights pack that was attacked by rouges about two years ago?”

            “Yes Jason. That’s what I’m saying. According to her uncle, Tyler went to a beach party that her cousins invited her too, but ran off. They chased her, but since she was on a bike, she out ran them. Then due to the rain, they lost her scent.”

            “Did you tell him she was here?”

            “Not yet. But I will have to soon. I have a feeling that he’ll be sending out his best trackers to find her.”

            “Go call him then. Let him know that she’s my mate that she’s safe, and I’m not giving her up.” My voice came out stronger than I had meant it to, but James got the idea. “Alright, I’ll go call him. Let me know if you need anything Jase.” I nod and listen to him leave. I just found her and I’m never going to let her leave.

            I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke it the clock read 11:30 pm. Groaning softly, I ease myself out of Tyler’s bed. Making my way to James’s office, I caught several scents that weren’t part of our pack, but weren’t rouges as well. I open his door and step in. I knew Alpha O’Shea, so the man beside him must be his brother and the pup behind him must be his son. I nod my head at them and look at James. “She’s still asleep.” The three men tense at my words, but I keep my eyes on my alpha.

            I walk to James’s side and stand at attention, my eyes locked on the wall. My mate ran from these people, and until I learn the reason why, I’m only going to be civil. Noting else. 

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