Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Tyler’s POV

            I woke up feeling just a little sore. Smiling, I look over at Jason, but his side of the bed is empty and cold. Sitting up, I link with him. Babe, where are you?

            James needed me to run a patrol on the northern border. I’ll be back in an hour or two. Just get some rest.  I cut the link and jump out of the bed. Walking to the bathroom, I look in the mirror after I close the door. Seeing his mark on my shoulder makes me smile. Turning on the shower, I wait until the water gets hot before I get in.

            Grabbing the sweet pea and lavender shampoo, I wash my hair slowly. I spend about thirty minutes in the shower. Stepping out, I wrap a large, warm towel around my body and another around my hair. Walking to the closet, I pull out a pair of jeans, a long sleeve Captain America shirt and my pair of black and neon orange tennis shoes. Digging through my dresser, I find some under ware and socks.

            Within minutes, I’m dressed. Pulling my hair into a braid, I head down the stairs. I see James coming out of his office and I slip out of the back door. I reach the walking path that leads through the woods and I stretch. Slipping my earphones on, I turn the sound almost all the way up on my mp3. Slipping it into my pocket, I start off jogging and slowly increasing my pace. In ten minutes, I’m running full speed.

            Letting the music wash over me, I didn’t notice that I wasn’t alone. Before I knew what was happening, a hand grabbed me and pulled hard. Throwing Jason a link, I scream at him. Jason, help. Rogues… were all I was able to say before a sweet smelling rag was places on my nose and darkness pulled me into its embrace.

Jason’s POV

            I was heading back to the pack house when I heard Tyler through our link. She sounded upset and afraid. Tanner starts whining. Mate. Go to her, she’s in trouble. Mate’s in trouble.  Digging my paws into the dirt, I race towards the house. Her scent hits me. Turning mid stride, I follow it.

            I could tell I was getting closer when everything went black. Waking up, I saw James and Daniel looking at me. I growl at them and jump to my feet. “Jason, what’s wrong?” James asks me. I start pacing, trying to find Tyler’s scent. “Rouges have her, James. They must have expected me to come after her and ambushed me.”

            Daniel growls as I catch her scent. It’s weak, but still fresh. Shifting back into my wolf, I take off. Daniel and James right behind me.  We followed her scent for an hour before it finally faded just before we reached the pack lines. I throw my head back and let out a pain filled howl. I try to find her scent again, but it was hopeless. She was long gone, and I couldn’t find anything.

            James and Daniel make me walk back to the house and I go to my room. Slamming the door, I was hit by her scent. Lying on the bed was two damp towels and the closet door stood open. I groan as I slump to the floor. I should have told her that rouges had been spotted in the area. It was my fault she was gone. When I find the wolves that took her, death will be too easy for them.

            For a month, we searched. And we came up empty handed every time. I was close to giving up hope. Then we got a lead. A young female rouge stumbled into our lands. In exchange for her life and a place among our pack, she told us of a rouge pack that was rumored to have a special wolf hostage. She told us that the rouges were hiding out in the Sterling Lights old territory since no one was using it any more.

            And that they weren’t expecting anyone to find them. That night was the first night since Tyler was taken that I had a peaceful sleep. All I could think about was having her back in my arms again.

Tyler’s POV

            Slowly, my eyes opened. Looking around, I whimpered. In front of me were silver bars. The room was dark, only a small light bulb giving off light. Feeling a burning sensation on my wrists, I look over. Both of my wrists were in silver cuffs that were chained to the wall.

            I whine softly. A blast of cold air hits me and I shiver. Looking down, I see that I’m naked. Hearing a door, open, I quickly drop my head and close my eyes. Getting my breathing to slow down, I act like I’m still asleep. The smell of rouges fills the room, and I have to keep myself from wincing. The stupid idiots couldn’t even tell that I wasn’t asleep.

            They stop in front of my cell and start at me. Oh what I wouldn’t give for anything to cover my body. Linking with my wolf, I zone out. Talee, can you link with Tanner?

            I don’t know. I haven’t tried.

            Please try. Tell him that we need him and Jason.

            Alright, just a minute.  Lee cuts the link and I hear voices. Keeping my eyes shut, I listen to their conversation. I didn’t understand half, but I did understand that they were waiting for “Mr. Boss Man” to show up. The door of my cell opens and two of them step in. I can hear them walk closer to me, and I shudder. I feel their hands on me so I zone out. I could feel Talee talking with Tanner, but I blacked out.

            After what seemed like forever, I hear them leave. My body feels so dirty, but I can’t do anything about it. Suddenly, I hear Talee speaking to me. Tanner said that Jason and others are still looking for us. They just don’t know where we are. Oh, and Tanner was wondering if you could see anything that would help them find us. I open my eyes and look around the room again, but shake my head no.

            I’m sorry Talee, but I see nothing. The room is windowless, I’m in a silver cage, and there’s only one small light bulb. Ask him how long I have been gone. I can’t remember. She nods and cuts the link with me. Silver won’t hurt me, but it will sap my strength. I pull against it, but it doesn’t give. Judging on how weak I am, I must have been here a lot longer than I thought. The rouges haven’t raped me, and for that I’m thankful. I feel used and dirty as it is. 

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