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{ Tori's POV }

I park my car and walk up to the private jet where a handsome man is standing near by. 

He offers to help me with my bags and I accept his offer.
He takes all my suitcases for me and leads me onto the private jet. 
 Everything is starting to sink in....and now I know somewhat about how my mother felt.

I look around and see a beautiful woman who looked to be around my mothers age, possibly a little older. She has dark wavy hair, hazel eyes, and she's about my skin tone. She is sitting in a chair that has a table in front of it and another chair on the other side. She sees me and her eyes widen a little. She composes herself then smiles and gestures to the chair across from her.

I go and sit down. I am thankful for the table keeping us at a distance because I personally don't want to be close to someone I don't know. It's already strange enough as is. I place my carry on bag in the floor near my feet, and try to relax as best as possible.

"Would you like something to drink?" She asks

"Do you have a coke?" I ask her

She smiled and says "Of course. It's my favorite. Marco would you mind getting us two colas."

The man who helped me with my bags just nodded and went where a door was and a few awkward silent minutes later he came out with three cokes. I would assume the third coke is for himself, so he must not be a butler of some kind. That's only my guess though.

"As you know I'm Elena Moretti, and over there is Marco Ricci. I wanted us to have a private conversation but I'm not allowed to go to the store by myself much less travel to New York. For the obvious reason of you being who you are I didn't want my husband to come much less a whole group of mafia men to scare you away. Marco was the compromise. He's the underboss now, but despite being more powerful than I am in the mafia world is in the dark about who you are and why we are really here. I'll leave it up to you on what you want to be told. It is your life after all.." Elena says with honesty

"So no one knows why you really came to New York?"
I question wanting to know how she managed to pull that off in the mafia.

"They think I had a meeting with a fashion designer. I told them it would be a quick meeting about an upcoming event. I am known for traveling when it comes to shopping so there wasn't many questions asked. No one even knows you exist outside of me. I kept my promise to your mother.. and I will continue too if that is your wish." She tells me

"Thank you for that and for meeting with me. I appreciate everything you did to help my mother." I say wanting to be polite but I did actually mean it

"Of course. Now I have to ask how much do you actually know?" Elena asks

"Everything my mother knew." I answer

"And yet you still decided to call?" Elena questions more to herself than to me but I answer anyway.

"There wasn't much for me in New York, since she passed. I also knew I would regret it later if I didn't at least meet and talk with you." I reply

"Aren't you scared?" She questions raising an eyebrow at me while she observes me like I'm on trail and she's trying to spot me lying.

The Mafia's Secret Daughter ( #1 in the Mafia Series )Where stories live. Discover now