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( Tori in her outfit above )
•{ Tori's POV }•

After getting dressed for the third time today, I come out of my bathroom to find Elena and Angelina sitting on my bed. They watch me as if they know I'm thinking about running.

"Don't even think about it. I can see it on your face that you are thinking about it just like your mother was...but I'm not letting you." Elena tells me strongly then continues on in a rant

"Now I don't know what exactly happened but I know you protected the family at all costs. You almost single handedly saved the family today. Because of that I know that you are far stronger than what we could even imagine. Which means that you aren't a runner. You are just someone trying to protect their family by leaving but that won't do a thing. It will only distract them." Elena finishes up her rant as she stands up to hug me which I surprisingly return. Just when we're about to pull away.. Angelina joins in for a group hug.

I've never been super fond of hugs, and after everything that happened in New York I struggle with people being close to me..but right now I feel comfortable.

"Tori, you belong here with us, and don't ever let anyone tell you any different.."
Angelina says

I feel tears threaten to come into my eyes realizing how much I needed that.

"Where is everyone?" I ask as I untangle myself from the two women, whom I consider to be my very own personal family now.

"They are in the meeting room's the one where we took you when we first brought you here." Elena answers

I nod and say thanks to both of them. I walk downstairs and head to the familiar room.
I knock and soon I hear a 'come in' coming from Luca, so I open the door and walk in. I can't help but notice that everyone here is watching me. I shut the door behind me and go sit in the empty chair that happens to be in between Luca and Diego.

"Luca was just wondering how all of us made it out alive...our men told just told him it was an angel sent from heaven." Riccardo fills me in

"I'm assuming I'm the angel.." I reply and Riccardo gives me a smile and nod

"Im glad you and Lorenzo got the angel treatment.. because I got the bossy bitch treatment." Marco says shaking his head

"What are you talking about?"
Lorenzo asks Marco

"She locked me and Francesco up in the secret office." Marco answers making Lorenzo bust out laughing while the others seemed confused.

"First of all don't say it like I did it for my own enjoyment. I did for both of your safety as well as my own." I add in

"She gave me orders than said I would only get her killed." Francesco adds

"She gets disrespected when she's on a mission. She told us to make sure the other one didn't die then just left us laying on the office floor." Marco tells the other men

"And both of you did a good job." I say as Marco rolls his eyes and Francesco just slightly shakes his head amused.

"She may be disrespectful at times, and she may seem like a fragile little flower who is clueless about how our world works..but she did save our lives today. So I for one am grateful to her." Francesco says on my behalf

"I wouldn't refer to her as fragile or clueless after what she did today. She did some serious climbing, and gymnastics. She was the one who blew up the Russian vehicles, and made the fire line on the property so we could regain control. So I am also grateful." Lorenzo adds in

"As am I." Riccardo adds

I give them a nod and say
"We are family after all."

"I wasn't aware that you were the one to save the whole family today. Tori, I respect you for fighting with and for your family today. I also respect you for not running and hiding." Luca states but with double meaning like he knew my previous thoughts before I entered this room.

"She killed Anatoly." Valente states randomly

"We've been trying to kill Anatoly for years.." Francesco says

"Ok. So let's just get this clear.. Tori took down half of the Russians and saved all of our asses.. Had she of listened to you and went into hiding with Elena and Angelina then all of us would be dead at this very moment." Lorenzo says out loud as if it's a math question he's trying to figure out.

Valente just nods but looks somewhat angry.
The rest of them nod slowly.

"You're all welcome by the way." I say jokingly making most of them slightly laugh however Valente, my father is not one of them.

"Now I want to know how you know Anatoly, and his son?" Valente questions

I tense up knowing that they should know being I put their lives at risk but I just can't bring myself to tell them. It's not something you talk about lightly.

I suddenly feel a hand grab mine from underneath the table, and from the side it's from I can tell it's Luca.

"I informed Tori, on the problems we were having with the Russians. As well as the problems we've had in the past. I thought she should know.." Luca says basically lying for me 

"They both acted as if they knew each other. He even referred to his son's obsession with my daughter. I'm not buying into your lies."
Valente says clearly still angry and upset

"I don't care if you buy into it or not. That really isn't my concern buy I'm afraid that's all you're going to get." Luca replies sternly

"Now luckily none of our men died, and after the fight we had, I call that a good day. Everything will back to normal in a few days after the repairs,and at that time I'll be calling in the American mafia leader for a meeting." Luca informs everyone

"Why the American mafia leader?"
Riccardo asks

"I didn't think we had ties with them."
Francesco adds

"They hate the Russians as much as we do. If things go as planned then we'll have ties with them soon." Luca answers

Everyone nods in understanding.

"Now Marco, Lorenzo, Diego, and Tori meet me in my office. We have a certain matter to discuss." Luca uses his commanding tone, while the older three stare in confusion.

Something tells me it's about to explode over into Luca's office...

The Mafia's Secret Daughter ( #1 in the Mafia Series )Where stories live. Discover now