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Chapter Song: Save Me Tonight- ARTY

"Okay but you do realize that we need to have way better pranks next year." I eyed Riley before we dove onto the black tarp sliding down the hill. 

Senior Prank Week. It was a huge deal at our school. The principal was usually okay with it too as long as the senior class didn't destroy the school's property. It was supposed to just be fun activities for the seniors to celebrate finishing high school. 

This year the senior class's big finale prank was laying black tarps down one of the hills by the school's lacrosse field and running multiple hoses to it creating a huge water slide. They also filled up hundreds of water balloons to throw at everyone.

Half of our junior class decided to ditch a few periods to join in on the fun. Riley and I even went home to grab some bikinis to wear blending in with most of the senior girls. They were all wearing bikinis while the guys were shirtless. It was finally starting to actually feel like Spring, so it was good weather for it.

I had to admit this was a really good prank. I wanted ours to be better next year. We just had class elections last week. Riley had won student body president and elected me as her vice president. I didn't want to position, but I couldn't turn her down. Besides, that meant we could be in charge of planning prank week, and all the rest of the senior activities. I did like the sound of that.

"With us in charge, it will be the most epic year ever!" Riley yelled spitting out water as we landed at the bottom.

We grabbed a few bottles of water before making our way up the hill for another round. I had to admit that it was so much fun. There were so many of us that I didn't think we would get in trouble for missing class, and if we did oh well. We would deal with the reprocussions later. 

We went down the homemade water slide a few more times before meeting up with some of the seniors who had invited us. We said hi to Blake and Adam near a bin of water balloons. They were some of the better looking, senior boys. They used to flirt with Riley and I all the time when we were freshman or sophomores. Neither of us saw them much this year, but we were still pretty cool with them. They came to most of Riley's parties. 

"Where's the rest of the guys?" Adam eyed me warily. I think they were a little nervous to talk to me because of Liam. He was usually protective of me.

"Actually I'm not sure I haven't seen them since we've been out here," I looked towards Riley, "have you?"

She just shook her shoulders up and down. I looked around for the familiar faces but didn't see any of them. It was so weird because usually, they would never miss an opportunity to ditch class. Especially if it involved having fun and being shirtless. They were all such guys. I shook my head at the thought laughing to myself.

"Man I'm gonna miss seeing you two around school next year." Blake grinned at us checking both of us out.

"Oh we know," Riley crossed her arms right under her chest making it stick out more. I couldn't help but smirk. She knew how to play her cards right.

Out of nowhere, there was a water balloon bursting on the side of Blake's head. The three of us were in such shock we cracked up laughing not knowing what to do. Blake just stood there wiping the water off of his fuming head. His nostrils were flaring as he looked around to see who the culprit was.

"Watch it Gibbons," I heard a familiar voice call from behind us.

I turned around to see the familiar faces I was looking for earlier. Of course, it was the boy with the goofy smirk plastered all over his face. He was casually tossing a water balloon in his hand waiting to strike again. His curls were plastered to his forehead soaking wet. Mason, Tyler, and Liam were in line next to him all waiting to strike.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head laughing. They looked tough and all, but I knew better. They were just goofing around trying to show their male dominance or whatever. The whole scene was comical.

I nudged Riley silently pointing over towards an empty bin of water. She knew what I meant. We slowly snuck away from Blake and Adam while they continued to argue with the boys. We each walked on opposite sides around the bucket.

When we reached the bucket we whispered to each other discussing our next moves. We never took our eyes of the group of boys facing off. A few more seniors had joined in. I could already see a water balloon fight slowly forming. It was bound to happen.

We heaved the bucket up each of us gripping a side and waddled closer to the boys. As we got closer I think Blake or Adam saw, but they didn't give it away. We continued to sneak behind our boys. When we got close enough I mouthed a countdown towards Riley.

On three, we heaved the bucket forward dumping the water all over Liam's back. He yelled out in anger or maybe shock. I assumed the water was fairly cold by the way he was hopping around. Without a glance, he launched the water balloon he was holding towards the seniors. We started cracking up laughing when they all looked confused.

"Oh, you guys fucked up!" Liam yelled at us. The devilish grin grew on his face when he put it together that we did it.

Even the seniors were looking at us wildly. I think they were deciding to team up against the two of us. I looked at Riley and she gave me a slight nod.

"Catch us if you can fuckers!" She yelled as we took off running.

We zig-zagged through the crowd trying to get others to follow us and join our team. We all continued to run. We even dove down the slide again trying to outrun them.

When we were out of breath huffing and puffing on our knees they caught up to us. Good thing we had people join our side. We stood facing each other for an all-out brawl. Cal was the one to throw the first water balloon. After that chaos broke.

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