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"Charlotte, how are you going with everything?"

Dan asks while his girlfriend, Annette, gives me a faux-sympathetic look.

"Things are good."

"We're glad to hear it," Annette responds with a condescending grin.

Loud chatter and laughter radiate from the surrounding Friday night crowd in this dimly lit bar while Dan and Annette silently examine me for any sign of weakness. The disappointment in their eyes is obvious when they don't locate any visible trauma. As Paul's best friend, Dan would have preferred to report that I was on the verge of a breakdown. Contrarily, Annette is simply a horrible person that thrives on the misfortune of others. This uncomfortable interaction reminds me of why I skipped drinks last month. I'm already forming an excuse for next month.

I scan the room for an out. The small tables surrounding us are littered with people, their conversations becoming more animated with every sip of alcohol they take. My attention shifts to the big screens on the back wall. The cheering and applause tell me that the Giants just scored. I look to the bar, noticing that all the wooden stools are occupied. The dark wooden shelves filled with liquor stand out against the exposed brick walls. Suddenly thirsty, I down the remainder of my merlot.

"If you'll excuse me, I need a refill," I smile sweetly and walk past them without waiting for a response. I notice Liam leaning against the bar in the far corner. I'm welcomed with a warm smile when I reach him. "Next time you see me with Dan and Annette, please rescue me."

"Will do," he replies with a laugh.

"Whenever I spend time with them, I'm instantly reminded why I hate spending time with them. Who even invited them tonight?"

"They have attended every month since you and Paul introduced them. The good thing is, you don't technically have to spend time with them anymore." He takes a sip of his beer. He continues when he notices my attention on him, "at least until Paul comes back."

Cheers erupt around us and Liam's gaze goes to the big screen. He pumps his fist in celebration.

"Why did I decide to come tonight?" I catch the bartender's attention and motion to my glass.

"You need to have some fun. You've been working too hard lately."

"Work has been the only thing keeping my mind off of things."

"Off of Paul," Liam nods in understanding.

"Yeah," I half-heartedly agree. Breaking eye contact, I retrieve the full glass from the counter and take a long sip. I can't bring myself to admit that Paul has barely crossed my mind in the last week and how that has everything to do with Ethan.

Liam's narrowed eyes turn wide when his attention moves behind me.

"Speaking of Paul," he whispers.

Turning around, my brows raise in shock at the familiar face and uneasy smile that frames it.

"Paul, hi," my higher-than-usual pitch reveals my surprise.

"Hey guys," he says, shifting his attention between me and Liam.

Liam nods in acknowledgment at Paul and leans in closer to my side. My protective friend brushes his arm against mine, letting me know he's there. I smile reassuringly at him.

"It's my turn to play pool. I'm gonna beat Dan's ass," Liam says, taking his cue.

Paul and I watch him as he turns away from us and disappears into the crowded space.

"I didn't realize you were coming tonight," I say, diverting my attention back to Paul.

"Dan said you were here so I thought I'd drop by and say hello."

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