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"I swear to God, I literally don't know what's more upsetting to me. The fact that Joanna is leaving for Los Angeles or that the shoes she was wearing today were from four seasons ago."

Violet and Sophie discuss the events of their working day while I politely smile. The truth is, I have barely been able to focus on their melodrama all night. You see I have been distracted. Very distracted by the man who has been purposely ignoring me the entire night. The same man whose deep laugh is currently reverberating through the bar. Either Ethan just heard the world's funniest joke or he's on the verge of a mental breakdown. Although I'm silently praying for the latter, it doesn't matter because I, Charlotte Anderson, am playing it cool.

"What are your thoughts, Charlotte?"

Violet's voice brings my attention back to the two women who sit waiting for a response. "My thoughts?" My brow furrows in confusion at the question.

"About the closure of the vegan grill in Greenwich Village? We've been discussing this heartbreak for the last five minutes," Violet says with the raise of her brow.

When did the conversation take a turn for vegan restaurants? "Oh right! I heard about that." I quickly continue in the hope that no one calls me out on that lie, "apparently there's a great vegan place in Williamsburg."

"No vegan breakfast sandwich is worth the trip to Brooklyn," Violet says with a giggle as she brushes her dark red hair behind her shoulder.

I ignore Sophie's frown and laugh along with Violet. Does my louder than necessary chuckle reach my target? If Ethan's slight head tilt in my direction means anything, then yes it certainly did. Who knew playing it cool would be this easy?


The sound reaches my ears before my eyes register the origin of the high-pitched shriek. A bleached blonde woman takes a running leap at Ethan. After a moment's hesitation, Ethan raises her into his arms. Her short bright purple dress rides so far up her ass that Sophie reaches to block Liam's gaze. The rest of us sit wide-eyed at this enigma before us.

"Everyone, this is Bella," Ethan says with a grin when he finally releases her.

"Hi," Bella adjusts her dress and smiles.

Sophie drops her hand and shares an uncertain look with Liam. Just like the rest of us, they have no idea who this guest is. Whatever they silently communicate has them both looking back at me. I sit with my expression blank, still confused by the sight before me. Sophie's curiosity immediately takes over. "Bella, it's a pleasure. I'm Sophie, this is Liam, Dan, Annette, Violet, and Charlotte." She points around the circle to each of us in turn. "How do you two know each other?" she asks as she motions between her and Ethan.

She pouts her enhanced lips and looks at Ethan. She smiles widely as she announces, "I'm Ethan's girlfriend."

I look to Ethan and find his gaze already on me.  He watches intently for my reaction. Unfortunately for him, I'm not going to give him the response he craves.

"Bella, come and take a seat," I point to the chair next to me. She obliges and Ethan follows. He retrieves a chair from the next table and places it directly between us. He sits and grins smugly at me. His expression has me thinking of all the ways I could commit murder. Instead, I beam at him because I AM COOL, CALM, AND COMPLETELY COLLECTED!

Sophie's hand finds my leg and I turn to her. She bites her lips anxiously while Liam's eyes dart between me and Ethan. I give them a comforting smile that I hope tells them I'm fine. Sophie's responding narrowed eyes tells me she knows I'm not. I silently thank Violet for the distraction.

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