Just A Silly Crush

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At this point in time, I know how much we could mean to each other.

Yet, I am afraid of not being able to make you happy.

Would it be enough to always be there with you?

Everything I do...
Will it ever satisfy you?

I'd give up everything for you. Just so you can realize how much I love you. Even if it means giving up my life to be by your side.

"Why can't we be like the moon and stars." I'd ask you.

"Because they're different from one another." You'd say.

And I would say something else to change your mind about that.

"Yeah. They're different. But, they both connect well in the night. Just like you and I."

We may be in a different group.

You, an inspiration to people of costume play (cosplay).

I, an artist who strives to make others happy in the art community.


What if, we just made a connection, and brought a unique light among them?

But I realize, there could be nothing between us, as you have probably found the one you've been waiting for.

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