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🍂 Caelum 🍂

Solis inhales a puff from his tobacco spun joint and exhales the smoke. The cloud looms around a young blonde who inhales a deep breath. Her eyes gleam with excitement as she presses her torso against his chest. He holds the joint for her to take but she parts her red lips and flutters her eyelashes.

He places the joint between her lips and she takes a deep drag. Her eyes widen as she coughs and splutters. Solis pats her back and tries very hard not to laugh. She hands it back and coils away, her cheeks beat red.

I take a long sip from my drink and shake my head as the whisky burns my throat. I tap my foot against the ground and sigh.

Solis brushes her blonde hair behind her ear and whispers something. She slides her hand over his thigh and giggles.

"I'm going to the bar."

She whispers a reply which amuses Solis. I wander inside and sit at the bar, thankful to be away from those two. The bartender wanders over and leans against the wooden bench.

"What can I get you?"

"Glenfarclas on the rocks, thanks."

"No problem."

He pours the drink and I slide the money across the counter.

"Keep the change."

He pockets the change and moves onto another customer.

I clutch the glass and stare at the ice cube. The woman from the blossom shop comes to mind, I haven't stopped thinking about her, especially her vibrant green eyes.

The stool beside me scratches the floor as a young redhead sits beside me. I take a sip and shoot her a charming smile.

She eyes the drink and chuckles.

"Rough night in paradise?"

I take another sip and shake my head.

"Celebrating, actually."

Her posture straightens as she bites her lip.

"Oh, well then, congratulations."

"Thanks." I nod.

"Caaaelum," Solis shouts. "What's taking you so long?"

Solis bumps into the bar and clutches onto it for support. He peers past me and grins.

"Hi there." He waves.

"Hey." She tugs on a smile.

His elbow darts into my ribcage and I grumble.

"What the fuck's wrong with you? She's hot and you're doing nothing."

I shove him away and glare.

"We need drinks! Oi bartender, four shots of tequila." He digs out his wallet and slams it on the bench. "Mary? Hey, where'd she go?"

The cute blonde bobs to his side and clings onto his button-down t-shirt. He wraps his arms around her waist and leans in for a kiss. Mary shoves his chest back and shakes her head.

He sighs and turns to the bar.

"C'mon. Four shots of your best tequila! We're trying to celebrate my brother's success."

The bartender flicks a tea towel over his shoulder and crosses his arms.

"Mate, I think it's time for you to go home."

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