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🌸 Evolet 🌸

Clya presses her forehead against my arm and groans. I pull the blanket over my face and inhale a deep breath. It doesn't soothe the regret churning in my stomach or the aching in my feet.

"Why do I always drink too much?" I ponder.

"Because alcohol prevents us from making good choices." Clya giggles.

"I had so much fun last night. I forgot what it's like to go dancing and not care about coming home at a certain time or drinking too much."

Clya snuggles into my side.

"We should do this more."

"Drinking?" I gasp. "I don't know if my body can handle it."

"Just hangout like old times."

"Are you going to nag me about Adam?"

"Probably, but only because I love you."

A phone pings and we both wince at the loud noise. I reach from under the blanket and past the side table until my fingertips slide over something cool and sleek. I pull the phone under the cover and squint at the bright screen.

There's a random number with, 'Hey, how are you holding up this morning?'

The blanket lifts as Clya pokes her nose into my business.

"Is this the random man you gave your number to?"

"Actually, we've met before. I met him when I brought the peace lily."

"So he followed you to a club? What a creep."

"You're only saying that because of Adam, and I still don't understand the obsession with it."

"Because that man genuinely loves you. Love like that and men like him don't just wander into your life every day."

"Just because something doesn't happen every day, doesn't mean it's worth holding onto every day." I sigh.

"I don't trust this man. You don't know who he is, or what he could be hiding."

"Well, it's a good thing I've already met him." I chuckle.

I push the blanket aside and haul myself out of my comfortable bed. I stretch my arms above my head and yawn.

'I'm holding up, how about yourself?' I message back.

Staring at the messages makes my stomach erupt with butterflies. I lock the device and wander to the kitchen for water.

Clya appears in the kitchen and places her forehead against the cold marble bench.


"With ice, please."

She downs two cups of water before throwing herself onto the couch. My phone pings and I swipe it from the bench.

'I'm good, are you free today?'

I squeal with excitement and Clya peers over the couch.

"What happened?"

I bite my lip and contemplate my options.

"Caelum asked if I was free today."

"So the stalker has a name, hey."

"Clya, he's not a stalker." I frown.

"I feel like hanging out with him is a bad idea."

When Clya lays back down, I roll my eyes.

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