Chuck Taylor

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Today was the day I was debuting in AEW, no one knew, at all. Of course there were rumors going around about where exactly I would go, NXT, AEW, ROH. To be honest with you, it was a no brainer. Now the only thing for me right now was hiding from my best friend, and best boyfriend in the world, Dustin, aka, Chuck Taylor.  Chuck and I have been dating for about three and a half years now and not one time have we ever worked with or against each other.

Now don't get me wrong I always come to the shows to see Best Friends when I can, and with my current injury it was the easiest way for Chuck to keep a watch on me. And that helped build my already blossoming relationship with my good friend, Brandi Rhodes, which lead to me being signed by All Elite Wrestling.

Right before the guys went out for their match they were stopped by Kenny to be told that their new angle with The Butcher and The Blade they were gonna send someone out to help with Bunny, aka, Allie. When their music hit I came out of hiding and watched by the monitor. "This is gonna be one for the books, his face will be priceless." Kenny said sitting down in the chair watching the two walk down the ramp. After I got changed into an AEW t-shirt I bumped into, literally he almost knocked me out cold, Orange Cassidy. "I thought you were at home resting." I gave him a smile and pointed to the shirt. "I work here now, they put me in a storyline with Chuck and Trent, and you but why aren't you out there?" He shrugged and leaned on the crate. Orange and I have been friends since I can remember, plus he's Dustin's roommate.

"You ready?" I heard Brandi as as I give a nod slightly concerned by the way Dustin landed on his shoulder. "I am. I really think after Dustin gets over the excitement he's going to be pissed." Brandi nodded and looked at me saying how he may just stay excited that the love of his life worked here. "Yeah no, he's gonna get mad, we will fight, and it will be better."

By that time I saw Allie jump into the ring and get into Chucks face slapping him. I looked over waiting for the go ahead, getting it from Cody I ran down the ramp getting into the ring pushing past Chuck. "Y/N?" He was confused, I kept my eye contact with Allie before bringing my hands pushing her hard into the ropes, when close enough the Blade rolled her out of the ring as Chuck, Trent, and I stood at the ropes, their arms draped over my shoulders watching them walk up the ramp.

Later on I was sitting backstage talking to Penelope about things we could do in AEW that was until I was yanked away by a very pissed Chuck Taylor. "You could've told me." He spat out and I raised my eyebrow folding my arms. "You're gonna stand there and be pissed about us FINALLY working until the same company? Yeah Dustin that's logical."
He huffed and pushed his hair back with his fingers. "I'm not pissed were working together, I'm pissed you kept me in the dark, I'm pissed because you're the one who practically preaches on being open and honest."

At that point I figured he realized how stupid he sounded so he stopped, he was never good about explain his emotions or anything like that, but I put my hands on his chest sliding my arms around his neck smiling. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I thought it would be a fun surprise and next time I'll tell you every aspect of the game plan. I love you, Dustin." He smiled finally leaning down kissing me. "I love you too."

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