Chapter Ten

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As we are walking towards the house I hear an animal growl. It sounds far away. I notice that Harper and Maddie didn't hear the noise. Ezra seems to be in his own land as well as we walk down the path. I haven't seen anyone since we left the house. This is really weird I wonder what is going on. I hear the growl again but this time it is closer.

"Guys, did you hear that noise?" I ask.

"No, I didn't hear anything," Harper says.

"Nope, I didn't hear anything either, Amara you aren't feeling well maybe you are hearing things". Ezra says looking around.

We continue to walk towards the house and I hear the growl again, but this time I see Maddie has heard something as well.

"Guys, I heard a growl not too far away. Amara, you were right how did you hear that I barely heard the noise." Maddie asks astonished about what I heard.

"It is super loud I don't understand how you didn't hear it, " I say starting to get annoyed.

"Wow, Amara please calm down, I thought you were human.?" Harper says looking at me wide-eyed.

"What do you mean?" as I look at them.

"Well... your eyes have turned a bright golden color, " Ezra says finally looking at me as we have stopped.

"That can't be I'm human... I'm not a werewolf, " I say not trying to figure out what is going on.

The next thing I know is a giant caramel-colored wolf running at us. The wolf happened to hit Ezra and knock him down. Another three wolves come out of the wooded area. Harper and Maddie shift automatically into their wolves. Maddie a Cocoa colored wolf, with Harper being a dirty blond wolf. I see that Ezra has now shifted and he is a reddish-brown color, but definitely bigger than Maddie and Harper.

I turn to see a brown colored wolf with red eyes stalking towards me. What am I suppose to do? I can't fight a wolf I can't even fight my own father. The wolf seems to have a grin on his face. I turn quickly to run and see Ezra has taken the first wolf down and is getting back up. I turn back to see the wolf is right in front of me now. I turn to run but I feel a paw on my back.

"Please, I don't know what is going on, " I cry hoping the wolf will take mercy. The next thing I feel is the wolf being ripped off of me. His claw scratch down my back as he was being thrown off. I can't get up now, it hurts I feel the darkness coming towards me.

"Amara please stay with me, " I think Harper says, maybe it is Maddie I'm not sure.

The last thing I know is a face trying to make me stay awake.

*Maddie POV

"Amara you need to wake up!" I say to her as she is laying on the ground. "Ezra I need you to pick her up now!"

"I got her you to need to tell Alpha that rogues have attacked and that one has gotten away." Ezra says picking Amara up carefully.

"Well, I told Alpha about what has happened, also that we are on the way to the pack doctor." Harper says leading the way.

Amara, please be alright. If something happens Alpha will kill me. Also, Amara, I feel like you are like a sister to me like how Harper is.

As I see the pack hospital I run ahead to find the Doctor.

Leo comes running in a few minutes after Amara has been taken back.

"Where is she?" he says taking steps towards me.

"Alpha she is in x-ray right now making sure she is alright. But she will need stitches for the claw mark on the back." I explain not looking at him.

"Why did she get attacked in the first place!" he yells.

"Amara got sick again at the packhouse after I made her a smoothie. So we were taking her back to your house when she kept talking about hearing a growl in the woods. None of us heard anything, she started to get mad. The next thing I know her eyes are a bright golden color. Then the rogues got there and then we are here." I explain still scared of his reaction.

"Well did you get all of the rogues?" Leo asked.

"Well... You see Ezra fought two of them and killed them. Then the one Harper was fighting ran away and we were more worried about Amara. Also, why aren't you freaking out about Amara's eyes?"

"You can't tell anyone this, " he says looking straight at me "Amara is a wolf, but it never showed up because of her father and probably her past Alpha".

"What!" I whisper "She is a wolf! But she doesn't even know about us."

"I know she won't talk about most of it".

"I understand that would be tough for anyone, but why know is she trying to turn?" I ask.

" I think it is between the trauma and finding her mate that all this is happening. Her wf finally wants to be revealed and turn her. But I don't think Amara's body could handle an event like this." he says rubbing a hand through his hair. "You won't say anything to anyone about what we just talked about, not even to Greyson".

"Ok," I say sitting on a chair.

I see Greyson walk into the hospital with a worried expression.

"Are you alright, did you get hurt by the rogues?" Greyson asks as he looks down my body making sure that I am in one piece.

"Yes Greyson, I am fine."

"Well thank you, Leo, for informing me about what has happened and I hope Amara makes it out of the hospital soon." he says looking at his best friend.

*Leo POV

"Greyson, this is the third time I have ended up here in a two week span, " sitting in a chair and rubbing my hands against my face. "I don't know what to do, she doesn't understand how much I want her next to me all the time. I can't have her leave me after all of this."

"Hey, she will wake up and realize how much she is in love with you and she will never leave after that." Greyson says putting a hand on my shoulder.

I see the doctor come around the corner.

"Alpha can I have a word with you?" she asks.

"Yeah we can talk in the corridor, " I say pointing the way she came.

"You see Amara she...."

"What!" I ask very confused.

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