The return of an old friend 5

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The next day, Imperial Consort Su's palace

"Your highness, First Madam Su is here" Su Bai said softly. Imperial Consort Su has been very worried and deep in thoughts since the Third Princess house arrest that she was getting worried. Her mistress had even skipped some meals.

"Mother, let her in" Imperial Consort Su said quickly composing herself properly. Her mother had always strived for perfection especially in her.
Su Bai quickly walked out of the room and lead First Madam Su into the room. First Madam Su was quite a beauty in her time and still was. Imperial Consort Su looked a lot like her mother so it was no surprise that out of all the young Miss of the Su family the imperial Consort was selected to be married into the palace.

"Chunhua greets Mother" imperial Consort Su said standing as her mother was lead in. She had always strived to make her mother like her but she always felt like she disappointed her mother due to her in ability to get the Emperor's Favor after everything imperial Noble Consort Xu and the Su family had done to ensure that she met with the Emperor she had never been able to get the Emperor's heart. Her mother's visit most definitely wasn't a social visit Judging from her mother's expression, she was most definitely heard of Jia'er house arrest.

"Mother Chunhua was wrong, I failed to properly train my Jia'er"  Imperial Consort Su said quickly kneeling to apologize.

"Once again you have failed to get full gist of a situation. What is the use of your being here if you can't even warn us of the Emperor's plans. Jia'er is of no importance right now when the Su family's future is at stake! Madam Su said with her lips turned in anger.

"What do you mean mother" Su Chunhua said confused. What could have happened to get her mother this angry with her.

"You have always been too focused on the wrong things and losing focus of what was important. Your Brother and Father have been arrested for Embezzling the relief funds all because of the Third Prince" Madam Su, Bai Guang said in anger. This daughter of hers never failed to disappoint her, even her grandchildren weren't any better one brought shame to the family the other one was too Stupid for his own good.

"What, Gege and father why? Su Chunhua said falling into her seat weak and tired.

"Don't tell me you have no idea if this. What should I bother with you,it was a mistake sending you in. We never would have sent you if your older sister was still alive. You have to beg the Emperor for their release or we are finished. We will lose everything" Bai Guang, Madam Su said and walked out of the room.

"Su Bai, quickly morning court should have ended by now invite Second Master Xia to visit me" Imperial Consort Su said hurriedly there was no time to spear. She had to know what exactly was going on.

"Yes your highness" Su Bai said and left the room.

        .......... Twenty minutes later
at the imperial temple

"Second Master Xia greets Imperial Consort Su" Second Master Xia said bowing behind a kneeling woman at the Buddha statue.

"second Master Xia how was the court section today? Imperial Consort Su replied still praying.

"Evidence was discovered by Second vice Minister of finance, Young Master Zhu of Old master Su said Eldest master Su helping the third prince to Embezzle the Relief funds. Prime Minister Xu called for everyone involved to be severely punished and everyone chorused his words.Emperor was very annoyed with the third prince actions and relieved him of his duties. Old master Su and Eldest master Su were both arrested and put in prison, while the third prince was put under house arrest and his allowance was withdrawn for six months" Second Master Xia whispered softly in reply to imperial Consort Su question.

"How could this be, what about our allies" imperial Consort Su said finally turning around and facing him.

"There was nothing we could do without implicating ourselves and worsening the situation"Second Master Xia said.

"And the Minister of Reform position? Imperial Consort Su asked. Her eldest brother was a shoe in for the position.

"The position was given to Young master Sheng"Second Master Xia said.

"What isn't Young master Sheng traveling on a welfare mission? Imperial Consort Su asked.

"Young Master Sheng has already returned from the journey, this was his first court section" Second Master Xia said

Imperial Consort Su Chunhua felt so stupid after hearing this, sh should have known that the Emperor already had his own choice for the position. He had after all left the position open all this while.  'This wouldn't do, she has to find a way to safe her family. It would seem that she had no other choice but to visit the Empress. The Dowager Imperial Noble Consort would nor help her in this. The Xu family clearly wished to suppress the Su family. Imperial Noble Consort Gao on the other hand would push her off a cliff rather than lend her a hand not that any of them could help her in the long run, only the Empress can make the Emperor change his mind' Imperial Consort Su thought. She was still deep in thought when she heard Second Master Xia asked softl.

"Do you regret it, if you had refused your mother that time. You would have never had to be in a situation like this. You would have been my wife, you never would have had to fight for anyone's favor"
Imperial Consort Su quickly turned forward once again facing the Buddha statue and replied
"That doesn't matter anymore"

"I guess it doesn't, Your highness I will take my leave first" second Master Xia said and walked out of the temple.
He had just walked out of the temple when tears began falling from her eyes. Many years ago if she hadn't been blinded by greed and power, she would have been his wife. Even then he had a bright future ahead of him, she just had to fall for her mother's schemes.

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