Chapter 24

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It was early in the morning when Nagan once again found himself organizing Master Dagmire's office. The man had an uncanny ability to cause a mess within days much to Nagan's annoyance. Though, today would be a little different. How did he know? Well, it all started when there was a knock at the door.

Nagan paused at the sound and looked to Master Dagmire with a questioning expression, silently asking who on earth would be here so early. Master Dagmire shrugged and called to the door, "Come in."

Before the words even completed, the door swung open and in walked a man with blond hair, green eyes, and an arrogant lift to his head. Immediately the sight of him left a bitter taste in Nagan's mouth. He recognized him, but he didn't know from where. Perhaps a nosy party member from Turn of the Year?

Either way, Nagan knew he'd find out eventually, so he turned his back to the guest and continued to organize his surprisingly large pile of books.

"Master Dagmire," the man greeted smoothly, "I'm glad to see you in good health."

"Master Elvar," Nagan nearly choked on his own spit at Master Dagmire's response and cautiously looked over his shoulder. "Thank you for being willing enough to teach your family's forging magic."

The other Elvar laughed haughtily. "As if anyone would be able to properly learn it in a few days. Maybe if one of them shows potential, I'll be willing to tutor them a bit longer. But I doubt it. It is the Elvar's magic anyways."

"Magic shouldn't be a privilege," Master Dagmire said tiredly as if he had said it many times before. The Elvar only huffed and turned to look around the office.

"Of course you'd say that sort of thing," the Elvar replied boredly and strode over to a shelf near where Nagan crouched. The Elvar barely even spared him a glance, but there was a flicker of recognition. "Your office is surprisingly neat compared to the last time I was here. Finally taken up a servant?"

Nagan raised a brow at the comment. He was clearly wearing a Carvolier uniform. Was the man intentionally being rude to him?

Master Dagmire cleared his throat, catching the attention of the two of them. "Perhaps introductions are in order. Master Elvar, this is Nagania Elvar. Nagan, this is Lyram Elvar."

Ah. Nagan stood and didn't bother hiding his disdain. This man was the one who spat at him and his mother when the Elvars turned them away.

Judging by Lyram's face, it looked as if he wanted to do so again. "And to think you survived this long. Pity."

Nagan sneered back. "Likewise."

A heavy hand fell on Nagan's shoulder. Master Dagmire now stood behind him to hold him back from doing something reckless. "Master Elvar, please refrain from insulting my apprentice."

Nagan nearly smirked at Lyram's offended expression before the hand on his shoulder tightened, causing him to wince slightly. "And Nagan, don't sink down to his level."

Double insult to injury to Lyram, but this time Nagan didn't dare act smug knowing Master Dagmire was still warning him to be on his best behavior. Once he let him go, Nagan went back to what he was doing, deciding to ignore Lyram's existence entirely. Master Dagmire sighed at Nagan's actions, but let him be. He walked back to his desk and gestured for Lyram to take a seat. Lyram reluctantly complied.

"Now with that out of the way," Master Dagmire took his seat opposite to Lyram and leaned back, "I didn't expect your arrival to be so early. If I had known, I would have greeted you properly."

"There is something I need to attend to after this, so I decided to push the date up a few days," Lyram tilted his head to the side. "Will this be a problem, Rorric?"

Self-centered bastard, Nagan commented bitterly in his head and shoved another book into the shelf.

To Master Dagmire's credit, he kept his usual pleasant smile, though Nagan knew it was fake. "It would have been helpful if you had informed us of your circumstances, but I'm sure our combat professor wouldn't mind pushing his schedule back to make room."

"My apologies for the trouble," Lyram replied flippantly and without an ounce of remorse. "Do you have my schedule ready and the list of students I'll be teaching?"

"Of course." Master Dagmire reached into a drawer and retrieved a few sheets of paper, promptly handing them over to Lyram.

Lyram snatched the papers and settled back into the chair. Nagan couldn't help but wonder how dull Lyram was. There were very few people who would dare treat Master Dagmire with such disrespect, most of them never realizing they were sneering in the face of a dragon.

Before he reached the end of the second page, Lyram's face twisted into the look of utter disgust and sent a poisonous glare at Nagan. He must have seen his name on the list, and Nagan couldn't help but smirk. That only angered him more.

Folding the papers roughly and shoving it into his pocket, Lyram looked back to Master Dagmire. "Sir Luxivo had already shown me to my quarters, but it's been a while since I've walked these halls. I'm afraid I'll need some assistance in finding my way to the combat arena." Lyram's eyes traveled back to Nagan, and Nagan felt a sense of unease wash over him. Master Dagmire seemed to have sensed it too by the way he shifted in his seat. "The boy is in my first class; let him show me the way."

The office became silent apart from the sound of leather running against wood as Nagan continued to reshelve. It wasn't until he was done did he stand and face the other men. Lyram's eyes dared him to deny him while Master Dagmire's flickered with worry, silently asking if he wanted him to step in. Having already made his decision, Nagan bowed courteously, yet it had a sense of mockery to it.

"It would be my pleasure."

Master Dagmire opened his mouth to protest before clicking it shut. This was a family matter that needed to be sorted out eventually after all, but that didn't stop him from casting Nagan a pointed look that warning him to be cautious. "Very well."

Lyram grin in cruel victory before standing. "Then we best be off." He tossed his head towards the door and demanded, "Get going, boy."

Swallowing down his anger, Nagan held his head high as he strode to the door, not bothering to check if Lyram was following. Once out in the halls and hearing the steady click of another's steps, he knew the other was walking behind. Too close in Nagan's opinion.

They were a few hallways away from Master Dagmire's office when a hand grabbed Nagan's shoulder and threw his back to the wall. He was expecting this and managed to prevent his head from cracking against the wall as well, though that didn't stop the pain blooming at his shoulder. He glared back at Lyram's furious face.

If Lyram thought to intimidate him, he was sorely mistaken.

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