Chapter 27

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Warning: Fair amount of blood

It was another library.

Not nearly as big as the main library, but the air smelled stale and every surface was covered in a fine layer of dust. It was apparent no one had been in here for a long while and for a reason. The suffocating energy from earlier was even stronger inside and made it feel as if something was watching him.

"Are you afraid of the dark?"

It was too late when he realized the light from the door was slowly fading. Before he could react, he was swallowed in darkness and heard the door click shut. He wanted to run. He wanted to scream. He wanted to wake up and let all this be a nightmare. But he found he could do nothing. He didn't know if it was of his own free will or if whoever was guiding him now had control over his body.

One by one he saw the lamps lining the walls light up with a dull glow, casting shadows and leaving dark corners.

"Now find me the book."

Without further prompting, he started to walk slowly between the shelves, dragging his palm across the book bindings. He felt light-headed, and his thoughts started to become muddled. He didn't know how much time had passed before he felt a strange pulse. Pausing and glancing at his hand, he saw the same blood-red glow. This must have been the book. Almost sluggishly he pulled the book from the shelf and began to curiously inspect it.

From a glance, there was nothing particularly special about the book. It was of average quality leather, normal string binding, nothing marking its spine or covers. Even the pages were blank he discovered while leafing through it. It was just an empty journal.

"Bring it back to me, and you'll soon discover what it truly holds."

He felt his body take a few cautious steps towards the door before seeming to gain more confidence. A wave of panic washed over him when he fully knew he wasn't the one doing this and desperately tried to regain control.

He soon found himself walking outside and towards the large forest next to Carvolier. Under the moonlight, he saw thin black tendrils guiding his movements from the edges of his vision as he stared straight forward. What are they even?

Branches scraped against his face and sharp stones dug into his bare feet the further he went. He recognized this energy. It was the same as the one nearly six months ago when Az and he had nearly been kidnapped. Was this a second attempt? A scream for help caught in his throat.

Now standing in front of him was a hooded figure. The face was covered in a thick shadow, leaving only its eyes visible. That must be the hooded man! Nagan thought in horror. He stopped only a few feet away from the figure.

"Well done, young one," the hooded man spoke, but Nagan couldn't tell if the voice was still in his head or actually coming from the man himself. The other reached out with a near skeletal hand. "Give me the book."

He obeyed.

With a pleased hum, the hooded man took the book looked through the pages languidly. "As I thought, it will need to be activated. Boy, hold out your arm."

He obeyed.

With a flick of the hooded man's finger, Nagan felt something slice through his wrist. Blood started to pour from the wound at an alarming speed. Once opening the blank book to the middle pages, the hooded man held it under the steady stream of blood, letting it be soaking into the pages. The same strange runes now engraved into his palm started to appear, using his blood as ink. It wasn't until excess blood started to drip from the book itself did the man snap it shut and tucked it into his robes. The same black tendrils that held him in place sealed the wound shut, leaving not even a scar. He felt his tongue loosen, but knew better than to start screaming.

"What did you do?" His voice felt hoarse as if he really did scream before this.

"Nothing that concerns you," the hooded man replied evenly and began to walk deeper into the forest.


The hooded man paused, waiting for Nagan to speak again.

"You...said you would tell me where my father was. I did my end of the deal, now it's time you do yours," Nagan pushed boldly. He didn't just go through this horrifying experience just to get nothing out of it!

The hooded man laughed and turned to face him once again. "I expected more from you, Nagania. From the way others speak your name, I thought you'd be more of a challenge. Yet you are nothing compared to your father." He waved his hand dismissively. "Of course, you are still young and are brave enough to make demands of me without trembling. You are similar in that sense.

"Oh, the great Nageth Elvar! He was one of my best pawns. It was a shame he had to go off and disappear. Even now I am still looking for him."

Nagan's mind was reeling at the new pieces of information. "He was one of you? And what do you mean you're still looking for him! You said you could tell me where he is!"

"It's a matter of time, now that I have this book," he sounded amused. "If you truly wish to know of your father's fate, meet me exactly 80 days from now back in Tekanlab. I'm sure you are familiar with the area. It is the place of your childhood, correct? The exact location will be revealed once you arrive."

The hooded man suddenly straightened. "Threats will no longer be effective once I leave. Let's make something more permanent, shall we?"

Nagan felt something form near the back of his throat, just under his tongue.

"If you dare speak of this to anyone or alert them of what you've seen," something sharp pricked his tongue, and he could feel the blood dripping down his throat. "Your tongue will be removed. I hope to see you again."

The hooded man once again turned away, and this time disappeared into the shadows along with the tendrils holding Nagan in place. With nothing holding him up, he collapsed to his knees, his hand immediately flying to his neck while the other he held in front of him to look at the runic circle. It no longer held its red color but took the form of pale lines across his skin. If what the hooded man said was true, no one else would be able to see it. He cautiously swallowed and moved his tongue back and forth in his mouth, yet felt nothing foreign there.

The cool night breeze brought Nagan back to his senses. He needed to go back. With shaky legs, he eventually made it back to Carvolier, having at least enough sense to memorize the route he took, and somehow made it back to his room without being caught. Az hadn't woken up to Nagan's relief. If he had, he knew his friend would have sat awake until he came back to make sure he was ok. A wave of exhaustion hit him as he crawled back under the covers, yet he couldn't bring himself to fall asleep just yet. He pressed his eyes shut and buried his face into his pillow, trying to force sleep to come to him.

Please...let this all be a dream...

Nagan | Broken Time Series: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now