Chapter 41 The Flu

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Up above is our friend Kyle, who's real name is Cash Rayanne.

Okay, so maybe I lied, and maybe I'm posting another chapter, like, a day or something after the last one... But, I like writing and this chapter is long awaited for 40 chapters. Some books on here are the length of 20 chapters. So, uh... here you go. I might update more, but probably not? Merry Christmas and I hope you guys are having a great holiday.

This chapter is dedicated to one of my good friends because I can and because I know she's been waiting for this chapter.


I rush to the toilet bowl and lean over. I think the smell alone makes me retch. I can't handle the scent of cleaning supplies.

Jack is there in a few seconds, holding my hair back and rubbing circles onto my back.

My body trembles as I sit on the floor. I feel very weak. I groan, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

Jack grimaces and flushes the toilet, then gets a warm cloth, washing my face and hand.

"Are you alright?"

I don't respond. You'd be surprised how much energy throwing up takes.

He lifts me up and carries me back to bed.

"You're okay," he says, kneeling down beside the bed, stroking my hair. "You're okay."


"Ellana, come on. It's ten. I let you sleep in."

I sigh and wave away whoever is bugging me.

He chuckles.

"Go away," I yawn.

"God, Ellie. Come on."

"I feel like shit. Let me sleep."

Fireworks light my skin up as he drags his fingers up my arm.

I open my eyes to glare at him. "I'm staying here. You can't even bribe me with cookies."

"Aw, man. What can I bribe you with, then?" Jack asks.

"Nothing. More sleep, maybe."

"You can go to bed early tonight, then."

"It doesn't work that way." I rub my eyes. "I want to sleep in, but I don't want to go to bed early. Once I'm asleep, let me stay like that."

"I did," he laughs. "I let you sleep later than usual, since you threw up this morning."

"Then why are you fucking here? Let me sleep longer!"

He doesn't respond, so I suspect he's content with chilling there.

But, I'm wrong. I'm suddenly cold. I gasp and look around. My blanket. How dare he.

"I was warm!"

"I'm not giving you the blanket back. Your only other way of keeping warm is coming to me."

I frown. "If I wasn't so tired, I'd be down."

"Come on. Please, Ellie."

I shake my head. "Make me."

He grins, grabbing my ankles and yanking me off the bed.

I scream, but he catches me.

"Damn, you're right. You are warm." I snuggle into his chest.

He laughs. "I'm just hot like that."

"I guess so."

He walks around for awhile. I don't know where he is going, or anything. I still need to brush my teeth. All I know is he talked to Atticus, who mentioned my current state. How rude. And he also walked down all the stairs, which is very exhausting, may I add.

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