The Return Of Steel Elbows

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"Boys will be boys, bad boy, bad boy
Always gettin' so restless, nothin' but trouble"
~ Miami Sound Machine, Bad Boy

When we finally get to Lucy's, Bianca seems like she's about to die. She complained the entire way here. I can't blame her, I'm also starving. Especially after the near death experience Mason caused me.

Bianca opens the door and we're met by chattering teenagers. Almost every booth and table are occupied

"Over there." Shelly points to the second booth.

The first, third and fifth booths are all occupied. We sit down on the blue seats and a waitress appears in front of us.

She's got short blonde hair that she has in a low ponytail. Her thin lips are smeared with pink lipstick and her uniform is shorter than that of any waitress in here.

"Uhm...where's Amelia?" Bianca inquires.

Amelia's the one that usually serves us. She's got a bubbly personality and her sweet smile is always on her face. With her, we always know we get extra fries.

"She'll be working in the evening. There's a party later on." The blonde explains with a forced smile.

My eyes move to the tag on her chest, 'Camila'.

"A party?" Bianca questions.

"Yeah, although I wouldn't expect you to know about it."

Her eyes move from Shelly and eye Bianca and I up and down. There's a distasteful look on her face.

"I think it's time you do what you get paid for and take our orders." Shelly retorts with her own forced smile.

Camila turns back to her and rolls her eyes. She takes out a small notepad and black pen from the pocket of her white apron and waits for us.

"Three cheeseburgers, please and two chocolate milkshakes and a coke. " I say with a smile.

"Somebody's not getting a tip." Shelly says loud enough for the waitress to hear us once she turns around. She rushes to the counter, her black high heels clicking against the hard tiled floor.

"When was the last time we went out for lunch?" Bianca asks, placing her bag on her lap.

She and Shelly are sitting on the same side, facing the rest of the diner. I'm sitting opposite to them, looking at the door.

"About two months ago." I say and push strands of my hair behind my ear. "Do you have a hair tie?"

Shelly shakes her head and Bianca nods while opening her bag and searching through it. Shelly hardly ties her hair. Her sunny blonde curls are usually falling and bouncing off her shoulders.

Bianca likes putting her hair into puffs and cute buns. I can always rely on her for a hair tie.

"Thanks." I give her a smile and tie my hair with the bright yellow hair tie.

The door opens and a group of guys walk in. I immediately recognise one of them and groan with annoyance.

"You've got to be kidding me." I mutter.

"What?" Shelly asks as she and Bianca turn around and follow my line of vision.

"Mason?" Bianca turns around to look back at me.

The three of them walk towards us and I quickly rest my arm on the window sill and look out the window. I'm sure he won't see me.

Even if he does, it's not like he'll talk to me or hang out with us.

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