five: emerald eyes

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Madison and I walked into the arena. It wasn't really an arena, it was quite small. Madison was strutting as a walked behind her. That's how our friendship worked, she loved the attention and I hated it. So she drew all the attention away from me. Not to mention the fact that she was very dressed up, in an outfit that I thought was slightly unnecessarily revealing, but I didn't dare to give my opinion. She'd probably slap me or something. 

We joined the back of the crowd, there was about twenty minutes until Cody Sutton was meant to come on stage so we stood there chatting. To Madison's delight, at least ninety percent of the crowd were guys, I guess rap music is more of a guys' thing. She was beaming, with her hand on her hip, sticking her arse out and trying to look naturally sexy. I found it silly how much she tried to impress others, but I never commented on it because I knew that was what made her feel confident. And I would never want to take her confidence away from her.

As the crowd filled up, we were surrounded by tall boys. The two guys standing in front of us were so tall that we couldn't really see over them. I was too shy to say anything and Madison was waiting for one of them to notice her. The set started and, despite how shy I am in front of strangers, I was screaming with my whole chest. Cody Sutton was one of my favourite artists, and no insecurity of mine was going to stop me from having a good time. Cody started rapping and I was rapping along with him, just like almost every guy in the crowd. I noticed that not many of the girls were joining in, I guessed that they were only there for the social side, they had probably never even heard of Cody Sutton. 

After about twenty minutes of the set, one of the tall boys in front of us turned round. He looked Madison and I up and down in turn and then whispered in his friend's ear. The friend then eyed us up and down, just as the first boy had. 

'Hey, can you see?' The first boy lent in to speak to Madison. I just about caught what he said. He was the taller of the two boys. He had short blonde hair, styled in the same way as most boys at this concert. He had a strong face structure, his jawline was sharp and his cheekbones were chiseled. He was the type that most girls would blush over. Not me. He had placed his hand on Madison's waist as they had a short conversation which concluded in them moving behind us so that we could see better. I appreciated it, but I knew their intentions.

The second boy had tried to start a conversation a number of times. He had mousy brown hair, which was short at the sides and floppy on top. He was good looking, with big, brown eyes and plump lips. He must have been six foot tall and had a great smile. If we weren't at a concert, watching one of my idols, maybe I would have been interested. But right now I was only focused on the man on stage. I carried on dancing and rapping. Waving my hands in the air and having a good time. I pretended not to see Madison grinding on the first boy, and I prayed that the brunette boy didn't get the same idea.

However, after a while, I felt a large hand touch my hip. I quickly slid to the side, pretending I was still dancing, as if it never happened, then carried on dancing. I could feel the boy standing closer to me now, so I took a subtle step forward. I was unaware if he had followed me forward or not. I looked over to Madison for help but she was too busy with the blonde boy.

I was still dancing, trying to ignore the horny boy behind me. I was swaying my head side to side, enjoying a slightly slower paced song. I took the chance to look around me for an escape route, in case I really needed it. 

That was when I made eye contact with a boy not too far from me. Somehow, through the dark, I could see that he had emerald green eyes. He looked away immediately, but for the split second that our eyes met, he seemed angry. Had I done something? Maybe he wasn't even looking at me. I continued to dance as Cody rapped the next song. I couldn't help but look back in his direction. He wasn't looking at me now, so I took the opportunity to study him. He had dark brown curly hair, that flopped onto his forehead perfectly. He was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans. I couldn't really see his face from where I was standing. Suddenly his head snapped in my direction again and our eyes met for a second time. We held the eye contact for a couple seconds before I was the one to break it. I felt my stomach flutter slightly.

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