Chapter 5

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After what felt like hours, the bus started to slow down. I looked out the window and noticed that we were rolling up to a huge abandoned building which looked like it was going to fall apart any second. I was still confused as to why we left the dorms in the middle of the night. When the bus came to a halt, Tae stood up and said: "We are here now. You can get up and come with me"

Everybody sleepily got up and dragged their feet to exit the bus with Tae and he led us to the building. As soon as we got out, two bulky tall men followed us into the building in silence and I could only wonder what they were doing here or why they were with us.

"What in the world..." said Jimin. I spun round and saw that one of them had grabbed Jimin by the arm and was dragging him towards the building.

"HEY" I shouted and rushed to Jimin's aid. The other man grabbed me by the waist and flung me out of Jimin's reach. From the corner of my eye I could see that Jimin was squirming in pain from the increasing hold on his arm. "LET GO OF HIM NOW YOU BITCH" I screamed and before I knew it, Tae was whispering something in the men's ear and they both relaxed.

"I'm so sorry about that, please forgive them" There was drastic change in the look in Tae's eyes. It was as if he went from a sweet apple to a monster. It was truly terrifying. "This is J-Hope and this is Kai" Tae gestured to the two bodyguards and I realised that J-Hope was the one that grabbed Jimin. "They are here since there are many wild animals in these woods and we wouldn't want you to get hurt, would we?" I glared at the guards with intense hate but they were quite the look. Why were all these cruel men so handsome?

"Let's go" said J-Hope and I got up and followed them into the building. The building was merely empty even though it was so big. It contained a revolting smell of rotten eggs and rotten flesh. What kind of exercise was this supposed to be? First we get taken at midnight and now we are being led into an unsanitary building by two abusive guards. I had a strong feeling something was up.

We were taken upstairs and everybody remained silent after the shocking scene with Jimin and I. Jimin rubbed his arm and I saw that there was a huge bruise where J-Hope had grabbed him. The rest of the teens looked around frightened as we got taken deeper and deeper into the building. Even Jungkook had a slight scared look on his face. I suddenly had the courage to speak up. "Where are you taking us Tae?" I asked, receiving a sudden chill from a hole in the wall.

"We are going to play a nice game to get you in the mood for competition in the camp. I hope you like escape rooms" Tae grinned excitedly and the rest of us were wide-eyed. Escape rooms? That sounded fun even though we stuck in a building like this. 

We finally got to our destination. Tae opened the door and there was a foul looking room. As we stepped inside I saw that the wall and floor had red stains on it along with what looked like vomit. Yoongi was sitting in a chair and grinned a gummy smile at us as we all covered our noses from the terrible smell. I heard the door close and lock behind us and J-Hope and Kai stood in front of it. "Welcome boys and girls" Yoongi said. He stood up from his chair and surveyed us carefully. "I am sure you are wondering why you are here; you are going to play a game"

I looked around at everybody else and they all looked as confused as I did. "This is a game about competition. There will be no teams and only one person can win. This is a game of truth or dare" explained Yoongi. I thought this was an escape room game? "Each and every one of you will be asked to choose a truth or a dare and you will answer or complete the task truthfully. If you lie, you die. If you refuse to complete the task, you die. If you try to run or hide, you die. This is a game about survival. Only one person can win the game and if you are that person then... you will get a huge reward"

I blinked in disbelief. What was this? Lisa started crying and looked around frantically. She stepped backwards and bolted for the door. However, she didn't get that far when Kai whipped out a handgun and pointed it directly at her forehead. Lisa froze in fright and reversed back to where she was before, crying even more now. "Did you really think I was playing around Lisa?" Yoongi exclaimed angrily, "You do not want to end up like this guy do you?" He pointed to an area of the room and my stomach churned. My heart began to beat faster as I tried to make out what Yoongi was pointing at.

"NOOO FRED" screamed Jungkook. One of his sidekicks lay in a pool of blood, very much dead. There was a hole in the middle of Fred's head and his face had been drained from colour. His mouth was slightly agape which suggested that he must have been in shock before he was killed. I then heard the sound of Jisoo weeping to herself. So this is where the dorm disappeared to and they are probably all dead now. Jungkook sunk down on his knees and placed his head in his hands. It was the first time I had seen him so emotional and I could see that he was still trying to hold it in. Namjoon rushed to Jungkook side and held him in his arms. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS YOU SICK BASTARD? WHAT DO WANT FROM US?" Jungkook screamed. 

"I am doing this to prove a very clear point: I am more powerful than anybody else in this world. Soon all authorities will be bowing down at my feet and I will be invincible" Yoongi chuckled at the sight of a weeping Jungkook. "It is time to start the game. You have twelve hours to complete the game or you will all die automatically. Have fun"

Yoongi, Taehyung and the guards exited the room, leaving the rest of us all alone.

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