Chapter 10

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Going to the next room was the most difficult thing I had ever had to do up to now. As Jimin was dragging me towards the next room, I looked back to the remains of Namjoon's body and an unwanted tear escaped from my eyelids. I wiped it away, determined to be strong like I was when my father had died... for now anyways. Mourning will come later when I have escaped from this place.

The next room was very different to the other two: it was a very small room and there was a huge swimming pool in the middle of it. There were also many pipes sticking out of the walls. I observed the room curiously as I tried to figure out what the next challenge was going to be. "Oh looks like we are going to have swimming lessons tonight" Jimin said with a slight worried look on his face, although he was the captain of the swim team at school.

"Ugh, good because I couldn't swim to save my life" Jisoo exclaimed and we all giggled with her. I myself was a good swimmer. My dad had taught me how to swim when I was really young, just in case there was a scenario where I could be in danger - I guess this is the scenario he was talking about. I looked around and saw Jungkook searching high and low for something.

"Guys... I can't find the card anywhere" he said. The rest of us stared blankly at the room and we realised that he was right: the was no card and no bloody message smeared on the wall either.

"Why isn't there a card?" I asked in confusion. There was always a card, or a message at least, in every room. How were we supposed to know who was next if there is no message? 

"I will join the search" Jimin said, immediately getting to work. Although I still felt dazed from when I passed out, we had less than 7 hours until we all perished so I decided to pitch in with the search too. 

However, I didn't get to start looking before Jin shouted: "I found it!" We all ran over Jin and read the card over his broad shoulders: Jisoo, Truth or Dare.

Surprisingly, Jisoo replied straight away and chose "Truth". We all looked at Jin, waiting for him to tell us what poor Jisoo had to do. All we knew was that it involved a swimming pool because it was so obvious. Jin gave us a troubled look which sent goosebumps straight to my arms and legs. "There is no truth... there is only a dare" 

"Are you sure about that?" Jungkook said and he grabbed the card out of Jin's hand. His face drained of colour and turned pale which clarified that Jin was differently correct. I glanced at a worried Jisoo, whose legs and arms were trembling violently even though Jimin was still hugging her. Why was there only a dare? It's not a game of 'Truth or Dare' if you can't even choose what you want. This game is rigged, but I can't be surprised, can I? They probably knew that everybody would want to do a truth so they made sure that we had to do dares too I thought.

"What is the dare?" Jisoo asked in a squeaky voice as she turned to face Jungkook. She was trembling so much that her joints looked like they were going to break any second.

"The dare is to push the button at the bottom of the pool in order to allow everybody to escape safely" I was startled by the last bit of the dare: 'to allow everybody to escape safely'. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Before I could say any words of encouragement to Jisoo, the room was filled with the sound of Jisoo's sobs and sniffles. 

"I don't want to do a dare..."

"It's okay Jisoo, all you need to do is push the button at the bottom of the pool" Jin said, hoping it would calm her down. However, it was far from working. If anything, it made Jisoo cry harder. I looked down at the pool and saw a big red button right at the bottom of it.

"Look" I pointed at the button in the pool, "you could even see the button from here so it can't be that deep. It's the only button there as well so you won't get confused." Jisoo stared at the button with a look of hatred as if the button had just slapped her across the face. 

"Yeah, and by surviving this, you will prove that you are not as useless and idiotic as we thought" Jimin said, rolling his eyes excessively. 

"Now is not the time Jimin; be supportive or don't say shit" Jungkook snapped at Jimin and I glared at Jimin as he sniggered in response. 

"It's okay guys, I was the cause of Namjoon's death so I want to make it up to you guys by completing this challenge as quick as I can. I am also doing this for Lisa" Jisoo said. I was surprised at how brave Jisoo was being since she was trembling with fear a few moments ago.

"You can do it Jisoo" I said, giving her a goodbye hug.

"Yeah, go hit that button" Jin said, following my actions. Jisoo went to the edge of the pool and looked back towards us. Her eyes twinkled as she nodded and proceeded to dive into the pool. 

"What the fuck is this?" Jungkook said stomping on the floor. I was so caught up in the fact that Jisoo was being brave that I didn't notice that water had started gushing out of the pipes and was filling the small room around us.

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