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I sprinted toward the medical bay and ran toward his room, the warmth inside me grew stronger and stronger as I ran closer to him. I was praying he was awake, I could finally hug him and tell him how I feel.

I reached his door and opened it, I was excited to see his head slightly moving while his eyes were still closed. I walked up next to him and grabbed his hand, rubbing thumb along his hand.

"Ben?" I called, I put my other hand on his face as I said his name. "Ben?" I called again.

His eyes fluttered open and looked directly at me, his face was completely shocked as he looked at me. He looked down my hand holding his and smile grew on his face.

"Am I dead?" He asked, I laughed and felt a tear fall down my face. I rubbed my thumb along his cheekbone with the hand I had on his face. He reached up and placed his hand over mine, "no, you aren't dead" I said happily.

A warm smile grew on his face, he reached up and pulled the clear tubes under his nose away from his face. I pulled a few patches on his forehead off until his face was completely clear of medical appendages.

He scooted over on the bed and I happily sat down next to him, still holding his hand.

"You look different" he commented, he ran his finger along the edge of the wrap across my chest and I nodded my head.

"A girl from the Endor moon made it for me, maybe she'll make something for you" I said happily, I smiled and held his arm out. I laid down into his arm and let it wrap around my shoulder. He pulled me close to him and I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I'm so glad you're alive" he said softly, I felt his lips touch the top of my head. I smiled and looked up to him, his face was of pure happiness, something I'd longed to see on his face.

"We saved each other" I said happily, he smiled and I reached myself up his lips. I kissed him and put my hand on the side of his face, holding it to mine. His lips on mine felt right and I never wanted to let him go.

He broke the kiss and looked down at me, a cocky smile on his face. "Are we going to do that more often?" He asked, I laughed and stared in to his longing deep brown eyes. I nodded my head and he kissed my forehead, he looked around the room and took in his surroundings.

I lifted his hand and looped my fingers in between his, tapping my index finger on the back of his hand.

"Where am I?" He asked.

"Ajal Kloss, a jungle moon" I answered, he tapped the back of my hand and I smiled.

"The resistance base?" He guessed, I nodded my head and I could feel his heart start to quicken. He was nervous about the being around the resistance, little did he know was that nobody knew who he was.

"You have nothing to be afraid of Ben, nobody here knows who are other then my friends" I informed him, he nodded his head and took a deep breath.

Suddenly the door to the room opened and a nurse walked inside, her face changed to shock when she is together.

"I'll alert the generals" she said quickly, before turning around and closing the door. I laughed quietly while Ben let out a small chuckle.

"What now?" He asked me, I shrugged my shoulders and sat up in the bed. I put my hand on his knee and felt his hand scratch lightly up and down my back, sending shivers down my spine.

"I guess, you get clothes and live a normal life" I said simply, but his face showed that what I just said was life altering.

"I can peace" he asked, his voice breaking mid sentence.

"Yes, we both can" I said happily, he smiled again and then the door opened again. Except Finn and Poe were standing in the door along with Rose and Lieutenant Connix.

"The dead live again" Finn joked, Ben gave a toothless smile and shook hands with Finn when he was offered.

"I'm glad you're in good health" Finn said happily although it sounded a little forced.

"Thank you..." Ben started to say

"Finn" he filled him in, Ben nodded his head and I glanced back at him. I reached four my hand and Ben held it willingly, I didn't care if I was being needy for his admiration...I loved it.

"Um Mr. Solo, would you like me to get you some clothes?" Lieutenant Connix asked him, Ben nodded his head towards her and she quickly left the room.

Finn and Poe just stood there awkwardly while Lieutenant Connix grabbed Ben some clothes, I raised my eyebrows at them.

"Poe, I think we should go check on...Rose" Finn said awkwardly.

"Rose? Why would we go check on Rose?"Poe asked as Finn yanked him from the room.

Finn gave me a ridiculous smile before closing the door, I laughed and looked back at Ben, he looked so happy.

Vanquished Darkness ~REYLO~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя