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"Ugh! I can't do it!" You groaned and dropped your pencil, allowing it to fall to your desk as you leaned back in your seat and screamed into your hands. It was currently Sunday night, and you had recently just realized that you had a homework assignment that you were supposed to do over the weekend from your math teacher. And you know what made it worse? It. Was. Due. TOMORROW!

You sighed and brought your knees up to your chest and rested your chin on them. "Why must I procrastinate so much . . .?" You muttered, running a hand through your bangs.

You sighed again, standing up and walking away from your desk to make your way over to your door and leave to get a snack. If there was anything that you knew about yourself, it was that you could never work on an empty stomach.

. . . Well, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it was at least partly true . . .

Anyway, you now stood in front of your door. Bringing your hand up to take ahold of the doorknob and turn it, you suddenly stopped when you heard the familiar sound of a 'DING!' behind you.

Instantly, you whipped your body around and looked over to your bed; where you soon saw your phone, sitting in the center of your mattress by itself. Almost immediately, you ran over and jumped onto your bed and quickly caught your phone into your grasp. Turning your phone on, you entered in your password quickly and clicked on the first notification that popped up at the top of your screen. You didn't bother reading who the message was from, you already had an idea . . .

Steven: Hey, Princess! :)

You smiled, a tint of red coming onto your cheeks at the nickname your pen-pal for the past three years had given you awhile ago. The moment he had found out your love for Disney and fairy tales, he had decided the name that best suited you was 'Princess'; seeing as how you wouldn't tell him what your real name was.

You giggled and typed up a response quickly.

You: Hello Steven! Miss me?

You smiled and pressed the send button before standing up and walking out your door to go do what you were just planning to earlier: get a snack.

Walking down the stairs, you traced your fingers along the oakwood bannister and hummed (Favorite Disney Song) to yourself as quietly as you could. At the moment, it was midnight and your parents were asleep, so you didn't want to wake them.


You stopped, stepping off of the last step and onto the teal carpet in front of the stairs that lead to the front door. Clicking your tongue, you opened your phone and went to check your messages, a smile forming onto your face once you saw what your pen-pal had just sent you,

Steven: Always!

Steven: I would ask you if you missed ME, but I think I already know the answer to that ;) ;) ;)

You snickered, holding your hand over your mouth to muffle your oncoming laughter as you read the recent message. After about a minute, you calmed yourself down and replied with:

You: Oh, really now? Are you sure~ ;)

You sent it and then walked into the kitchen, which was past the archway to your right. Walking over to the fridge, you opened it and rummaged through it before grabbing a bowl of (Favorite Fruit) you had made yesterday. Once the bowl was securely in your arms, you turned and closed the door to the fridge with the heel of your foot before making your way back up to your bedroom.


You hummed, opening your door and walking into your room. "Well, someone's in a chatty mood today," you muttered, chuckling quietly to yourself as you placed your bowl of fruit on your desk and sat down. When you felt comfortable enough in your seat, you took your phone out once again and checked your messages.

𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓. || s.u. - 𝘗𝘓𝘈𝘕𝘚 𝘛𝘖 𝘙𝘌𝘞𝘙𝘐𝘛𝘌Where stories live. Discover now