Chapter 15: Promiscuous

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My brother's team won, with a final score of 8 - 4.

"That's an awesome game! Jordan's really good" Denisse said, who screamed a lot the entire time.

"He sure is" Mike agreed with her.

"Come on, let's see him before we leave" I told both of them.


"Baby sis!" Jordan yelled, as soon as he saw us approaching.

"You were incredible!" I complimented him.

"Thanks! Where were you the first period of the game? I thought you ditched me?!" Jordan asked, causing me to panic and immediately tried to think of an excuse.

"She ran into someone and got caught up" Rey answered for me.

"Oh, good thing you're able to get back before my first goal" Jordan said and smiled. I owe this one to Rey, but I have a feeling that I'll do a lot of explaining later.


After a few chit-chat with Jordan, we all decided to leave and let him enjoy their team's victory.

"Before I forget, I'll be here in the city for the next couple of days, so I'll probably be home in a day or two" Jordan said.

"Finally!" I squealed like a kid and hugged him. "Here, take this I have a spare key in my office" I told him and gave the key to our house.

"See you again" and we all bid goodnight to Jordan.

"Mike, can you give Denisse a ride home? We still need to drop by the café to get her spare key" Rey asked Mike.

"Sure, see you guys at work" Mike agreed and took Denisse with him. I'm sure Rey just want me to tell him everything and he knows I won't do it with Mike around. Damn it! He just knows me too well.


"Alright, tell me what happened" Rey said as soon as we entered his car.

"I don't know where to start" I confessed to him.

"Come on, tell me who was it. You totally got laid tonight didn't you?" Rey asked with a wide grin on his face. My entire face is deep red. There's no way I can deny it to him, he's like my twin.

"W-was it that obvious?"

"Only because I know you too well. So? Was it Levi?"

"N-no. It's Tori" I answered, if only my face could turn even more red, that would be its color now.

"You bitch!" Rey exclaimed and nudged me. "How did it happen? I mean, I didn't even know you two are seeing each other after you gave her a ride home the other night. You're keeping secrets from me now?!"

"No, no, not intentionally. I am planning to tell you everything, it's just that it happened so fast" I explained.

"Well start telling all of it now" Rey commanded and started the car's engine.


I told him everything, mostly. The day I went with Levi outside the city, I skipped the part about her deceased sister 'cause I believe it's something personal. The night after I saw Tori beaten up, obviously not the part that she's a Sinclair. What happened today at the dressing room with Levi. How I ran away from her and bumped into Tori. My stupid strategy of kissing Tori to hide from Levi that ended up with me and Tori having sex.

"Oh my God!" Rey exclaimed.

"I know you can say more than that. I get it, I'm a mess" I said and placed my hands on my face.

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