Chapter 1

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A 7 year old blonde child walked the village streets, trying to go unnoticed but as fate would have it, nothing in his life could ever go the way he wants it. As he rounds the corner, a pink haired man, who he had had many bad encounters with for his liking, spotted him and announced his presence and very soon he is running down the streets as fast as he could with a mob of villagers on his tail.

The blond heads straight for the forest of death, trying to loose them. He wasn't an idiot even though he was considered the deadlast of his class.. He knows they won't go to the forest because there scared of it. The blond was about to climb over the fence that surrounded the forest but a hand grabbed the back of his shirt and throw him to the floor.

"Agh!" He whimpered. He was sure his arm was broken now, based on the odd angle its in. He glanced up and flinched at the grin on the faces all around him. He never knew why he was hated, and by his own village no less. His Jiji had told him that a village is like a home with a big family who loves and cares for each other but he has yet to experience this love or any love for that matter. He only had a few people that cared for him, Sarutobi-jiji being one. He also had a few friends at the academy. The others just avoids him like he was a disease.

He cries out in pain as a Kunai was stabbed into his abdomen.

"Stop! What have I ever done to deserve this. Please stop, it hurts." He yelled, tears lining his blue eyes. How could people be so cruel. The villagers just laugh at him.

"Hahaha! Its suppose to hurt demon. Just like it did for our love ones when you killed them mercilessly." Oh, and there's another thing. Demon, monster....for as long as he could remember, he'd been called those words, accused of killing people when he had not once look on a person with the intention to harm much less to kill. They continued to cut and beat him, ignoring his cries of pain and pleas to stop. Eventually, his young body couldn't endure the pain anymore and went numb. Not long after he passed out.


Kakashi didn't know where he was going, he just allowed his feet to take him wherever. His mind was busy with thoughts. He had just came from Iruka's apartment, hoping to get his mind off the demons plaguing him. He was frustrated and angry. All his emotions pointed at the people that caused his precious ones to suffer and most of all him self. As he was walking by training ground 44, he stopped abruptly as his nose twitched. It was commonly known by everyone that a Hatake's sense of smell and hearing was better than a Inuzuka's so when he smelled the metallic scent of blood and heard the whimpers of tiny voice, he immediately became alert. He relaxed and sensed for the chakra signature and shunshinned to the entrance of the training ground. What he saw made his blood boil. His beloved sensei's son was being tortured by the same villagers he had sacrificed his life for. He growls and he could feel him self loosing control. An angry Hatake is not a good one. He appears before them and glares.

"I suggest you leave before I kill all of you." He said Calmly but they all knew he was anything but that at the moment. While they were frozen with shock, Kakashi took the time to put all their faces down to memory. They snapped out of it when he growled and immediately scampered away.

Kakashi looked down at unconscious blond and his features immediately softened. This was also one of the reasons he was angry. He was banned from having any contact with the last thing related to his sensei and his wife. He had tried many times to adopt the poor blond but the civilian council had stopped him from doing so. In his point of view, the Hokage was an idiot. He couldn't see that the council was manipulating him. He sighed and proceeded to pick up his sensei's legacy.

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