Chapter 4

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Naruto wakes with a start. The Kyuubi laughing his ass off and Naruto was getting annoyed but once he remembered what happened last night, he was bouncing off the walls like a cat high off catnip. It was 3:am and he was way too eager and energetic for a morning this early.

"So what's first Kurama?" He asks the fox.

"'Wait you mean right now. Its too early brat." Naruto pouted.

"Please Kurama? I'm so excited I don't think I can go back to sleep." Kurama grunted.

"Well I guess you can start with the boring stuff." Naruto raises an eyebrow.

"Can training even be boring?"

"Depends on the type of training yes," Kurama states, "For example, exercising patience is one."

"Hey!" Naruto shouts, offended. Kurama ignores his outburst and continues.

"Remember when I said we would start with the personal stuff?" Naruto nods

"Well think of it as life lessons." Kurama said. Naruto tilts his head to the side, giving the impression of a confused kit.

"Life lessons?"

There is a long hesitated pause.

"Like the stuff your parents should of taught you."

"Like cooking and cleaning. That stuff?" Naruto picked up on the tone in Kurama's voice like he was apologising. He did Kurama a favour and did not call him out on it.


"How's that gonna help with training?"

"Training is not just about fighting and etc. If you went on a mission and don't know how to cook, then your a dead man." Naruto taps his chin in thought.

"Huh? I never thought of it that way." Kurama shakes his head.

"Well let's get started shall we?" Naruto nods.

"First, throw out everything you don't want including that orange material."

"What's wrong with my clothes!?" Kurama snorts.

"They are the complete opposite of stealth. Just imagine, you going on a stealth mission in that monstrosity. You'd just be a beacon, begging for attention and screaming 'hey! I'm over here!' You'd be dead before you even know what hit you."

Naruto groaned.

"But its orange! Who doesn't love the colour orange?!" Kurama rolls his eyes.

"Only you it seems." The fox grunted.

"Whatever." Naruto groans and got to work. He took out every dirty clothing from the floors and placed them in a bag. When he took up his beloved orange jumpsuit, he literally cried for 1 minute. Kurama had to snap him out of it with a shock to the body.

He finished with his bedroom and the bathroom. The only place left was his kitchen. He walks into the kitchen and open his fridge. He picks up a particularly heavy box milk with hard objects sloshing around in it. He didn't even have to open the box to know it was spoiled. He grimace and puts the box in a garbage bag. Kurama looks into the fridge and grunts.

"Open your cupboard brat." Naruto does what he asks, albeit a little confused. The cupboard was filled with instant ramen of all flavour.

Kurama grunts in annoyance. 'Just as I thought.' Kurama thinks.

"Is ramen the only thing you eat brat?" Naruto laughs sheepishly.

"Kinda, besides its the only thing the store owners let me buy and even that is overpriced." Kurama growls.

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