Chapter 6

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Kurama looks to the position of the sun.

"On second thought, well do that after you get home from the academy. Were going back to your apartment now." Naruto groaned but nodded. If he had his may, he would ditch the academy all together just to train but he couldn't because Kurama is like a nagging mother.


"Ouch!" Naruto Cry's holding the Bach of his head and looking at the culprit.

"What was that for!?" Kurama huffs.
"A nagging mother you say? I'll have you know I dominate through and through and I can hear your thoughts even though I'm outside the seal." Naruto's eyes widen then he smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. Kurama rolls his eyes.

"Whatever let's just go."


Sasuke wakes up drenched in his sweat and clothes and sheet sticking to him uncomfortably. It was another nightmare, one where his brother forced him to relive the horrifying events of his clan's massacre over and over again. He sighs and looks to his right where his clock is. He groans when he sees its fricking 2:50 in the morning. He couldn't go back to sleep because of the dream so he might as well get up now and take a well needed shower.

He walks into the bathroom and starts peeling off his clothes. He pauses however, when he sees black printing on his neck. He frowns in confusion and walks closer to the mirror. It was a dragon that has a black rose in its mouth.

"What the heck is this?" He mumbles and the most unexpected thing happens. He hears a slightly soft, husky male voice in his head and Sasuke wonders if he had finally lost his mind.

'Its a symbol of the type of demon in you.' Sasuke snaps his head around.

"Who said that?" The voice sighs.

'Look into the mirror baka.' Sasuke does so and gasps in surprise. Beside him is a black haired man with thin black spectacles and black ear piercing. The same mark on Sasuke was on his neck also. He is dressed in a black Yukata with golden lining and silver dragon designs.

"What and who the hell are you?" Sasuke stupidly asks. The man looks at him as if he's an idiot.

'Did you forget the part where I said that I'm a demon? The names Seiji Akumu, a nightmare demon.' Sasuke frowns.

"But how do I have a demon in me?"

'The sage of the six paths made a prophecy where three chosen ones who bare the burden of the demon within them, will be the ones to bring peace to the world.' Sasuke shakes his head.

"So who are the other two?" Seiji shrugs.

'We'll find out when the time comes.' 

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