Chapter 15 - These Feelings

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Three days. It has only been another three days since I went out of the castle with Emmeric and the Shadows to investigate and I was already dying of boredom again. Knowing that we were growing closer to understand what had happened and how I got sent here in the first place, but no one sharing any information with me, was making me go mad.

Alwin had come by yesterday as requested by Emmeric, but not even him answered my pleading to let me know what was going on. He came down from the third floor with a frown and a concerned look on his oval face, so deep in his own thoughts I was sure he didn't even hear me talking to him. Emmeric had simply remained the whole days in his bedroom, much like he had the past month. And I hated it.

- I woke up with a headache and I don't know what else to do to keep myself entertained enough to stop thinking about it – I confess in a heavy sight in the noisy kitchen, talking to Coal.

- Have the story books lost their charm, Miss? – he inquired.

- I can't read another book. It's almost all I've done since I got here – I complained, holding my chubby cheeks in between my hands, elbows on my knees.

- Wanna go and play catch? – peppy Skip asked, in a cheerful tone.

- Thanks, Skip, but I don't feel like it also. Maybe later – I told him. It was an activity I had done a lot with the Shadows as well. They seemed to love it as much as always, but it was growing tiresome for me. – I wish we could go outside again.

- Last time you went outside, you almost died by the hands of the sirens – Scarlett chided, her purple cat eyes glaring warningly at me.

- They lured me in. Wasn't completely my fault – I defended myself.

- If not for Master, you would not be here now – Coal continued.

- Yeah... I know. – And I remembered vividly the way he saved me, the particular feeling of his lips haunting my dreams at night. I sigh sadly. – I wish he didn't have to kiss me, though. Makes life harder for me.

- What? – Scarlett's voice was a bit more strident than usual.

- To make me breathe underwater. He used some kind of spell where he had to kiss me – I explain to my confused audience.

- What are you taking about? There's no such spell! – Dusk says.

- Yeah, any spell can be cast by words or by touch of a hand, no spell requires a kiss. That would be awkward – Crow clarifies.

I wasn't sure what to make of such information, my already jumbled mind getting even more chaotic than it was. Still, I sensed there was something important in knowing that, so I kept it on the back of my mind, to think about when I didn't have such a migraine.

- Never mind that for now. I need to go and do something to forget about this headache – I state.

- How about the castle's secret passages? – Scarlett questioned.

- Found them all – I exhort.

- The five on the guest rooms? – one Shadow inquired.

- Yes – I responded, monotone.

- The one two thirds into the corridor on the second floor? – another added.

- Yes. Got out in the library.

- The one behind the second to last bookshelf counting from the right? – yet another remembered.

- Lead to the far corridor on the first floor.

- That one between the first and second floor, on the stairs?

- Got me to the dungeons.

- This one in the kitchen?

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