Smack p2

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Gallo woke up, he checked the time. The clock read 3:47am. He had a growing headache, but thought nothing of it.

He jolted awake squinting his eyes, making sure he wasn't dreaming. The headache hadn't gone away, but he pushed it aside and went back to sleep.

The alarm clock went off. He forced himself awake to get a cup of coffee. As he was pouring the coffee into his mug he got a text from Casey.

C- I got an extra ticket for the football game tonight, wanna go?
G- Who's going?
C- Me, Ritter, Herman, Severide and Kidd.
G- Yeah I'll go, what time do I need to be ready?
C- I'll pick you up at 5

There was a knock on Gallo's door. He didn't hear it of course, since he was throwing up in the kitchen.
The door opened.
"Gallo?" Casey called out.
"In here" he called out leaning over the sink.
"You look like hell" Casey said when he saw Gallo.
"I feel like it to" he replied.
"You sure your still up for the game?" Casey asked.
"Yea Yea, lets go" Gallo said grabbing his coat.

"Me, you and Severide are in my car. Herman, Ritter and Kidd are in Herman's car" Casey said as Gallo climbed into the backseat with Kelly.

They found their seats in the stadium and waited for the game to start.

During the 3rd period Gallo felt horrible, like he was going to throw up his guts, the headache was pounding and he couldn't focus. Casey had noticed and tapped Gallo on the shoulder.

"You good?" He asked.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine Casey" Gallo answered.
"No your not" Casey said pulling on Gallo's arm, he had no strength to fight him so he went along with it.
"Where you going?" Kelly asked.
"Hospital maybe" Casey replied holding Gallo steady.
Kelly got up and followed them out to the car.

When they reached the car Gallo leaned against it.

"Your going to a hospital" Casey ordered.
"No Casey please! You know how much I hate them!" Gallo Croaked. Kelly grabbed him carefully to help him into the car but he collapsed into Kelly's arms and fell unconscious.

"Gallo! Gallo come on buddy wake up!" Kelly shouted. Casey felt for a pulse.

"He's barely breathing well got to get him to Med" Casey said. Kelly sat in the backseat horizontally, Gallo laying in his arms.

"Ethan!" Casey shouted.

"Yea what is it" Ethan said putting gloves on.

"It's Gallo, he collapsed and went unconscious, he's barely breathing" Casey said panicking.

"A set of paramedics that were already there lifted Gallo onto the stretcher and wheeled it into the ED.

"Pulse is weak, barely breathing" one paramedic said as Gallo was brought into Trauma 4.

"Any medical history I need to worry about?" Ethan asked.

"He came in for a concussion this morning, Will treated him" Kelly said.

"Alright we got to get him to the OR stat!" Ethan shouted.

The whole second shift was waiting inside the waiting room of Chicago Med for any news on their fellow coworker.

"What even happened" Herman asked Casey.

"He collapsed onto Severide" Casey replied.

Dr. Choi emerged from a set of double doors. Everyone stood up.

"The only news I have is bad news" Ethan said.

"Spill it then" Boden replied.

"He had a massive brain bleed, it was a tough surgery but he pulled through" Ethan explained.

"He said he was feeling sick all day.. and Will said he only had a concussion" Casey said.

"His scans from earlier show nothing, so I would of said it was a concussion as well, and those symptoms he was feeling are ones you get from a concussion, but the massive headache should of been an alert" Ethan finished.

"Can we see him?" Kelly asked.

"Right this way" Ethan said as he guided Casey, Kelly, and Boden into the hospital room.

"Hey" Casey said as he sat in a chair beside the bed.

"Hey.." Gallo said.

"Your in pain, I can tell" Casey said. Gallo nodded.

"Don't scare me like that again okay" Casey said.
After several weeks of recovery Gallo returned to Firehouse 51 full duty.

Chicago Fire: One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora