Point Blank

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If you are here from my other book Forever Lovers, I mentioned this one shot in chapter 12.
Truck 81, Engine 51, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, house fire. 1347 W Kinsley Avenue

Each truck pulled out of 51, sirens and lighting blaring.

As they each arrived on scene, they started to jump out. Casey sent his team where they needed to go. As Gallo headed towards the front door Casey stopped him.

"Gallo you stay out here" he ordered, Gallo nodded.
So this part is going to be 2 POV. Casey's and Gallo's. When it says 'E.O.P' that means it goes back to the regular story view.
Casey POV:
Me, Mouch, and Kidd went inside. I had sent Gallo out because the building was too unstable.

"Kidd, go with Squad" Casey ordered.

They where Severide and Casey had sent them and started clearing rooms.

"Fire department call out!" Mouch yelled.

"In here! Help!" A voice called. Casey and Mouch found where the voice had come from. It was a women and two kids.

"We're going to get you out!" Casey said grabbing one of the kids. Mouch grabbed the other and the women held onto Casey's coat. The trio were brought outside, Casey went back in. As he got up the stairs and with Kidd and Severide gunshots sounded the house. Casey ducked, but looked back up and saw that Kelly and Stella were okay.

"Firefighter down! Firefighter down!" Was all that came from the radio. Casey new that everyone that was inside was with him. He realized it was most likely Gallo that was down so he sprinted down the stairs and outside, Kelly right behind him.

Gallo POV:
"Stay here, the buildings too unsafe" Casey ordered, Gallo stayed put. Once Truck and Squad we're inside Gallo watched the smoke rise and the flames grow.

Three coming out chief

Casey had soon arrived with 3 victims, two kids and most likely their mother. Gallo watched Casey return inside the house.

He looked at the neighbours roof.

"Hey chief, someone's on the roof next door" Gallo said, Boden walked over.

"Keep your eyes on him" Boden said returning to his previous position.

Gunshots sounded, 3 to be exact. He felt sharp pain in his chest. He dropped.


"Gallo!" Boden shouted. Brett and Foster ran over to their bleeding co worker.

"Hang in there" Brett said as she undid his coat.

"Firefighter down! Firefighter down!" Boden shouted through the window.

"Gallo!" Casey shouted as he ran over to them. He struggled to pull his mask off but managed. He undid Gallo's coat.

"Hang in there" Casey said. He put pressure on the bullet wound so Foster and Brett could work.

An IV was attached. Gallo was in distress, Casey could tell.

"He's in pain, give him something!" Casey shouted.

Brett didn't argue, she pushed morphine in the IV.

"It's not doing anything!" Casey shouted.

"I can't give him anymore for an hour!" Brett shouted.

"Move your hands, I need to get gauze on it" Foster said. Casey did as told and held Gallo's hand.

"You're gonna be alright" Casey said. A few moments later Gallo went unconscious.

"Damn it" Brett said, she felt for a pulse and found one.

"We need to intubate" Foster replied. She intubated Gallo, Casey started bagging.

Kelly was already on the phone, Casey guessed with Katrina.
Intelligence pulled up, Katrina jumped out and ran to where the 5 of them were.

"How is he?" Katrina asked as she kneeled down beside them.

"We're having trouble stopping the bleeding" Foster said.

"The harder I press the more damage it'll cause unless you can remove the bullet here" Katrina explained.

"You'll have to remove your hands" Foster said

"If I do that he'll bleed out" Katrina replied.

Katrina stood up and faced the firefighters and civilians.

"Does anyone here have O- blood?" Katrina called out. No one answered.

"Can we get him to med?" Katrina asked.

"The more we move him the more he bleeds" Brett explained.

Katrina ran over to Boden, asked him something, then ran inside the house. A few moments later she returned, Hermann right behind her.

"Shotgun!" She said as she ran back over.

"I'll keep pressure, you lift" Katrina said, Casey nodded.

They lifted Gallo onto the stretcher and boarded him into the ambulance. Casey climbed aboard.

"Sarge meet me at med!" Katrina shouted. The doors closed and Foster drove to med.

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