42. Giving me a lift to home

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Preeti's point of view

"Hello..." I said while picking up my phone. It's from loan company, which papa took loan for my marriage.

I missed last two months instalments due to some extra expenditures which are necessary. May be they are calling me for reminding me about my pending instalments.

"Hello.. Am I talking to Miss Preeti Agarwal?" A lady said from other side of the line.

"Yes, I'm Preeti Agarwal." I said.

"Congratulations mam.....The loan you took from our company has waived." She said.

"What, How..?" I asked her shockingly.

"Our company has completed its 50 years this month. So we drew a lucky draw and you are the lucky customer." She said.

"Are you sure..? I mean.. You must mean another Preeti Agarwal." I said..still in shock.

"No ma'am.. we are not mistaken and congratulations once again." She said.

"Thankyou.." I said in a low voice, still can't believe the news.

How's that possible that my loan has been waived. Since when I got that lucky. I never win a price in my whole life then how suddenly I become a luck customer of a loan company. But I'm happy. It's really a big news for me. Now I'm able to pay my other Bill's without any tension.

At least something good is happen to me after long time.

Siddharth is still ignoring me. He didn't try to talk to me after that day. May be he also understand it's batter to stay away from each other. I don't want to come close to him. It's become hard day by day to ignore him when he was close to me. But I can't forget the things which happened between us two years ago and what he did to me.

Kartik is being difficult to handle everyday. I ignored him after that day but he blocked my path whenever he want.

One day he blocked me in a elevator when he found me alone. But he didn't do anything because in next floor Siddharth entered in our elevator except his private elevator. I felt relief to saw him. Whole time he stand closed to me like he protected me from kartik and indeed I felt safe under his protection. He didn't say anything though but it felt like he said to me that he is there for me.

"Preeti didi... Siddharth sir wants the same lunch which I gave it to him yesterday. " Vishal bhiya (peon) said while coming to my desk.

"Yeah one second.." I said while taking a extra lunch box which I packed for Siddharth.

"Here.." I said while giving him the lunch box.

"He really liked your food yesterday. He said that it reminds him of home and he daily wants to eat this food." He said while taking the lunch box from me.

I know when Siddharth came our house he liked my food. I wonder.. is he still know the taste of my food. He must be eat delicious food from his wife's hand. I felt jealous every time when I thought another women in his life except me. But my fate didn't written him in my destiny.

I gave a small smile to vishal bhiya.

"Ooo... I forget to tell you that he said to me today that he wants a shahi paneer tomorrow for his lunch." He said.

A smile crept on face when I remembered that shahi paneer is still his favorite vegetarian food.

"I will cook it for him tomorrow." I said with a smile.

Vishal bhiya nodded his head and walked to Siddharth's cabin with a lunch in his hand.

I know he broke my heart but i still love him. I care about him a lot and I can't sleep in peace, seeing him in a problem.

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