25. Angry Or Not?

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When I woke up next morning, my whole body felt like it was run over by a truck. I looked around and found myself sleeping against the closet door in a very uncomfortable position.

Last night, when Evan walked out of the room, I couldn't help but burst into tears. I didn't want anyone to see me cry so I locked myself inside the closet. Everything came running to me and I sobbed hard. Somewhere between the crying, I fell into the comforting embrace of sleep.

My whole body ached as I stood up and dragged myself to the mirror. My hair was a mess and my cheeks were stained with tears. My bloodshot eyes were enough proof that I spent the night crying. Not wanting anyone to see me like that, I hopped into the shower. The warm water washed away the aftereffects of last night and when I came out fully dressed, I felt better.

Slipping into sandals, I made my way to the dining room where everybody was already sitting. I walked behind Cara and leaned down to kiss her cheeks. "Good morning everyone," I said and then sat down, ignoring Evan's hard gaze on me.

"I'm done," Cara said.

"Cara, finish your egg." I said, pointing towards her plate.

"But it is yucky," she said, contorting her nose over the runny yolk.

"Cara, don't you want to grow up fast?" I asked and she nodded. "Then finish it." Nodding, she ate the rest of her egg and I poured some oatmeal for me. For a brief moment, my eyes darted to Evan and I found him staring at me.

"Scarlet, I was planning on going out with some old friends." Nate said to me.

"Oh, good luck." I smiled.

He chuckled before adding, "I was actually asking would you like to join me?"

"No, she won't." Evan answered for me and I cast an annoyed glance towards him. "We are going on a dinner date tonight." My eyebrows furrowed at this because last I knew, I was free tonight.

"Okay. We will hang out some other time." Nate said and I passed him a brief smile, suppressing the anger swirling inside me.

After Evan's breakfast ended, he stood up to leave. "Come on, I'll drop you to the bakery." he said to me.

"No thanks, I will manage with Liam." I replied in a low voice.

"Scarlet, I am going to that area to meet someone. I'll drop you. Let's go." he said and I found Nate observing us with interest. If I refused, he would figure out that something was wrong between us.

"Okay," I said and walked past him to the room to take my handbag and mobile. When I returned, he was already waiting for me in the hallway.

"Are you angry with me?" he asked when we were away from the dining room and nobody could hear us.

"No," I said dryly without looking at him.

"Are you sure?" he asked while walking beside me.

"Yes." I said.

We reached the car and he opened the door for me. Once I slipped inside, he followed me and his sharp scent dominated the inside of the car.

"So about tonight. Are we really going on dinner or are you planning to abandon me once we are out of Nate's sight?" I said and although I didn't want to, my tone sounded harsh.

"So you are angry." he whispered under his breath and I rolled my eyes. "Yes, it's a dinner."

"Great." I gritted sourly, still looking out through the window glass.

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